To order publications, contact EBSA electronically or call toll-free (1 866) 444-3272.
- An Employee's Guide to Health Benefits Under COBRA: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Avoid Surprise Healthcare Expenses: How the No Surprises Act Can Protect You: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Choosing a Retirement Solution for Your Small Business: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- Filing A Claim For Your Health Benefits: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Life Changes Require Health Choices...Know Your Benefit Options: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Protecting Retirement and Health Care Benefits after Job Loss: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Retirement and Health Care Coverage…Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- Savings Fitness: A Guide to Your Money and Your Financial Future: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | Financial Planning Worksheets: English (EN) | Hojas de trabajo
- Taking The Mystery Out Of Retirement Planning: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | Worksheets: English (EN) | Hoja de cálculo
- Top 10 Ways to Make Your Health Benefits Work for You: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Retirement: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Understanding Your Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Work Changes Require Health Choices...Protect Your Rights: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Your Rights After A Mastectomy...Women's Health & Cancer Rights Act of 1998: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- An Employee's Guide to Health Benefits Under COBRA: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Avoid Surprise Healthcare Expenses: How the No Surprises Act Can Protect You: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Filing A Claim For Your Disability Benefits: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- Filing A Claim For Your Health Benefits: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- How to Obtain Employee Benefit Documents from the Department of Labor
- Can the Retiree Health Benefits Provided by Your Employer Be Cut?
- Job Loss - Important Information Workers Need To Know To Protect Their Health Coverage and Retirement Benefits
- Life Changes Require Health Choices...Know Your Benefit Options: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- MEWAs: A Guide to Federal and State Regulation
- Parity of Mental Health and Substance Use Benefits with Other Benefits: Using Your Employer-Sponsored Health Plan to Cover Services
- Protecting Retirement and Health Care Benefits after Job Loss: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Protections For Newborns, Adopted Children, And New Parents - The Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996
- Retirement and Health Care Benefits...Questions and Answers for Reservists
- Retirement and Health Care Coverage…Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- Top 10 Ways to Make Your Health Benefits Work for You: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Understanding Your Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- What To Do If Your Health Coverage Can No Longer Pay Benefits
- Work Changes Require Health Choices...Protect Your Rights: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Your Employer's Bankruptcy: How Will it Affect Your Employee Benefits
- Your Genetic Information and Your Health Plan - Know the Protections Against Discrimination
- Your Rights After A Mastectomy...Women's Health & Cancer Rights Act of 1998: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- A Look at 401(k) Plan Fees
- Cash Balance Plans: Questions and Answers
- Filing A Claim for Your Retirement Benefits: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- How to Obtain Employee Benefit Documents from the Department of Labor
- Job Loss - Important Information Workers Need To Know To Protect Their Health Coverage and Retirement Benefits
- Maximize Your Retirement Savings - Tips on Using the Fee and Investment Information from Your Plan
- New Employee Savings Tips - Time Is On Your Side
- Payroll Deduction IRAs For Small Businesses
- Protecting Retirement and Health Care Benefits after Job Loss: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Profit Sharing Plans for Small Businesses
- QDROs - Qualified Domestic Relations Orders
- Retirement and Health Care Benefits...Questions and Answers for Reservists
- Retirement and Health Care Coverage…Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- Retirement Toolkit: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- Savings Fitness: A Guide to Your Money and Your Financial Future: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | Financial Planning Worksheets: English (EN) | Hojas de trabajo
- SEP Retirement Plans for Small Businesses
- SIMPLE IRA Plans for Small Businesses
- Taking The Mystery Out Of Retirement Planning: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | Worksheets: English (EN) | Hoja de cálculo
- Target Date Retirement Funds Investor Bulletin
- Ten Warnings Signs That Your 401(k) Contributions Are Being Misused
- Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Retirement: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan: English (EN) | En Español (ES) | العربية (AR) | 简体中文 (ZH SC) | 繁體中文 (ZH TC) | Français (FR) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) | 한국어 (KO) | po Polsku (PL) | Português (PT) | Pусский (RU) | Tagalog (TL) | tiếng Việt (VI)
- Women and Retirement Savings: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- Your Employer's Bankruptcy: How Will it Affect Your Employee Benefits
- An Employer's Guide to Group Health Continuation Coverage Under COBRA: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- An Employer's Guide to Health and Disability Benefit Claims
- Can the Retiree Health Benefits Provided by Your Employer Be Cut?
- Compliance Assistance - Group Health and Disability Plans Benefit Claims Procedure Regulation
- Compliance Assistance Guide - Health Benefits Coverage Under Federal Law
- How to Obtain Employee Benefit Documents from the Department of Labor
- How To Protect Your Employees When Purchasing Health Insurance
- MEWAs: A Guide to Federal and State Regulation
- Protect Your Employee Benefit Plan with an ERISA Fidelity Bond
- Qualified Medical Child Support Orders
- Reporting And Disclosure Guide For Employee Benefit Plans
- Troubleshooter's Guide to Filing the ERISA Annual Report
- Understanding Your Fiduciary Responsibilities Under A Group Health Plan
- 401(k) Plans For Small Businesses
- Adding Automatic Enrollment To Your 401(k) Plan
- Automatic Enrollment 401(k) Plans for Small Businesses
- Cash Balance Plans: Questions and Answers
- Choosing a Retirement Solution for Your Small Business: English (EN) | En Español (ES)
- How to Obtain Employee Benefit Documents from the Department of Labor
- Meeting Your Fiduciary Responsibilities: English (EN) | En Español
- Payroll Deduction IRAs For Small Businesses
- Profit Sharing Plans for Small Businesses
- Protect Your Employee Benefit Plan with an ERISA Fidelity Bond
- QDROs: Qualified Domestic Relations Orders
- Reporting And Disclosure Guide For Employee Benefit Plans
- Retirement Plan Correction Programs
- SEP Retirement Plans for Small Businesses
- Selecting An Auditor For Your Employee Benefit Plan
- SIMPLE IRA Plans for Small Businesses
- Special Terminal Report Instructions for Abandoned Plans
- Troubleshooter's Guide to Filing the ERISA Annual Report
- Understanding Retirement Plan Fees and Expenses
Filing Requirements
Para Trabajadores y Familias
- Cobertura De Jubilación y Atención De Salud...Preguntas y Respuestas para Trabajadores Desplazados
- Cómo Presentar Una Reclamación Por Sus Beneficios De Jubilación
- Cómo Presentar Un Reclamo De Sus Beneficios De Salud
- Cómo Presentar Un Reclamo Por Sus Beneficios De Incapacidad
- Cómo Proteger La Jubilación Y Los Beneficios De Salud Después De Perder El Empleo
- Cómo Resolver El Misterio De La Planificación De Su Jubilación | Hoja de cálculo
- Conjunto De Recursos Para La Jubilación
- Entender sus beneficios de salud mental y trastornos por consumo de sustancias
- Evite gastos sorpresivos de atención médica: Cómo puede protegerlo la Ley No Sorpresas
- Las 10 Mejores Maneras De Prepararse Para La Jubilación
- Las 10 Mejores Maneras De Hacer Que Sus Beneficios De Salud Funcionen Para Usted
- Las Mujeres Y El Ahorro Para La Jubilación
- Lo Que Usted Debe Saber...Sobre Su Plan De Jubilación
- Los Cambios De Condición Laboral Requieren Hacer Elecciones Médicas
- Los Cambios De Vida Requieren Tomar Decisiones Médicas
- Su Dinero Y Futuro Economico: Una Guia Para Ahorrar | Hojas de trabajo
- Sus Derechos Despues De Una Mastectomia
- Una Guía Para El Empleado Sobre Los Beneficios De Salud Bajo COBRA
Para Empleadores y Asesores
- Cómo Elegir Una Solución De Jubilación Para Su Pequeña Empresa
- Cumplimiento De Sus Responsabilidades Fiduciarias
- Una Guía Para El Empleador Sobre La Continuación De Cobertura De Salud Grupal Bajo COBRA
- Modelo De Aviso General Sobre Los Derechos A La Continuación De La Cobertura De COBRA
- Modelo De Aviso De Elección De La Continuación De La Cobertura De COBRA