Comments submitted, including any personal information that is included with the comment, will be posted to is external), EBSA’s website, and made available for public inspection at EBSA’s Public Disclosure Room, N-1515, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20210, with the following exceptions:

  • Comments received through joint rulemaking that involve EBSA and other government agencies will be posted to is external), but generally will not be separately posted on EBSA’s website.
  • Comments are generally posted without redaction to preserve the substance of the comment. However, if identified, EBSA may redact personally identifiable information (e.g., sensitive, confidential, or unique identifiers such as social security number) to protect the privacy of the commenters and other named individuals.
  • Personally identifiable information that you do not want publicly disclosed should not be included in comments. Comments are public records posted on the internet and can be retrieved by most internet search engines.
  • Members of the public also may request that personal or confidential information pertaining to themselves or to their dependents be redacted from public comments.
  • Commenters are encouraged to identify themselves by name, but EBSA accepts and posts anonymous comments.
  • In instances where individual submissions are deemed to be duplicate or near duplicate copies of a mass mail campaign, EBSA may post only a representative sample along with a tally of duplicate and near duplicate copies.
  • Comments containing threatening language, hate speech, or profanity may be redacted or rejected without notice from EBSA.
  • Comments containing the promotion of commercial services or products and spam will be removed.
  • The inclusion of any copyrighted material without accompanying proof of one's explicit right to redistribute that material will result in the material being blocked from online viewing.
  • Confidential business information or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute should not be included in public comments sent to EBSA.