When you get married, you can change your health coverage. You can add yourself, your new spouse and children to your employer’s plan, enroll in your spouse’s employer’s plan, or find coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace (Marketplace). Get the details on all of your special enrollment options and be sure you understand how the different plans work. You'll want to know the benefits covered, the amounts of any deductibles or copays you will be required to pay, what you will pay for premiums, and whether you can continue with the same doctors. For your retirement plan, when there is a change in your personal information, such as marriage, contact your plan administrator or the human resources department to change your status under the plan and provide them with updated contact information for you. Getting married also creates new financial demands that compete for retirement dollars, such as changing life insurance needs and saving to buy a home. But it's usually less expensive for two people to live together, thus freeing up dollars. A spending plan is essential.
