The State All Payer Claims Databases Advisory Committee (SAPCDAC) was established in 2021. The SAPCDAC was established by Section 735 of ERISA (as added by section 115(b) of the No Surprises Act, enacted as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 (Dec. 27, 2020)). The SAPCDAC will advise the Secretary of Labor on the standardized reporting format for the voluntary reporting by group health plans to State All Payer Claims Databases, as well as guidance provided to States on the process by which States may collect such data. The SAPCDAC must submit a report that includes recommendations on the establishment of the format and guidance by June 25, 2021.
Vacancies for the Committee were announced in a Federal Register Notice.
Any interested person or organization may nominate one or more qualified individuals (self-nominations will also be accepted). Each nomination must include the following information:
- A letter of nomination that contains contact information for both the nominator and nominee (if not the same).
- A statement from the nominee that he or she is willing to serve on the Committee if appointed, will attend and participate in Committee meetings regularly, and has no conflicts of interest that would preclude Committee membership.
- The nominee should also indicate which category or categories of stakeholders designated by the statute he or she is willing to represent, along with an explanation of interest in serving on the Committee. For self-nominations, this information may be included in the nomination letter.
- A curriculum vitae that indicates the nominee’s educational experience, as well as relevant professional experience.
- Two letters of reference that support the nominee’s qualifications for participation on the Committee. For nominations other than self-nominations, a nomination letter that includes information supporting the nominee’s qualifications may be counted as one of the letters of reference. Please do not include information that you do not want publicly disclosed.
Anyone currently subject to federal registration requirements as a lobbyist is not eligible for appointment to this Committee.
Please submit nominations to by March 16, 2021.
Members appointed to serve on the Committee will be those candidates determined to have the technical expertise required to meet specific statutory categories and Departmental needs and in a manner intended to ensure an appropriate balance of membership. Selection of committee membership will be consistent with achieving the greatest impact, scope, and credibility among diverse stakeholders.
Once the nomination period closes, nominations will be reviewed and nominees under consideration for appointment will be vetted. DOL will contact nominees for information on their status as registered lobbyists. Anyone currently subject to federal registration requirements as a lobbyist is not eligible for appointment to this Committee. Additionally, nominees will be evaluated in accordance with Secretary’s Order 10-2020 (85 FR 71104) to ensure they are financially independent from the Department programs and activities for which they may be called upon to provide advice. Follow-up communications with nominees may occur as necessary throughout the process. Recommendations will be submitted to the Secretary for consideration and the Secretary will appoint the Committee members.
On January 5, 2021, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published in the Federal Register their Request for SAPCDAC nominations due January 27, 2021. More information regarding the GAO’s work with health care advisory committees can be found here.
Maureen Mustard, Director of Health Analytics, New Hampshire Insurance Department – Committee Chair.
Stefan Gildemeister, Minnesota State Health Economist and Director of Health Economics Program – Representative of a State All-Payer Claims Database.
Carol DeFrances, Acting Director of NCHS Division of Health Care Statistics – Representative of the National Center for Health Statistics.
Allison Oelschlaeger, Chief Data Officer at CMS and Director in CMS Office of Enterprise Data & Analytics – Representative of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Dr. Tricia Lee Rolle, Senior Advisor in Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology – Representative of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
Linda Sanches, Senior Advisor for Health Information Technology, HHS Office for Civil Rights Health Information Privacy Division – Representative of the Office for Civil Rights, HHS.
Dr. Herbert Wong, Director of Division of Statistical Research and Methods in Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality – Representative of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Emma Hoo, Director, Pay for Value, Pacific Business Group on Health – Representative of Employer Sponsor of a Group Health Plan
Mike Kapsa, Chief Financial Officer, Solidaritus Health Inc.; and Chief Economist, America’s Agenda – Representative of Employee Organization Sponsor of a Group Health Plan
Dr. Cheryl Damberg, Principal Sr. Economist, Director, Center of Excellence on Health System Performance, RAND Corporation – Academic Researcher
Frederick Isasi, Executive Director, Families USA – Consumer Advocate
Niall Brennan, President & CEO, Health Care Cost Institute – Additional Member
Josephine Porter, Director, Institute for Health Policy and Practice, University of New Hampshire; co-chair of the APCD Council – Additional Member
Susan Queen, Senior Advisor for Data Policy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation – Representative of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.
- July 26 Meeting Materials - Final Meeting
- June 24 Meeting Materials
- June 21 Meeting Materials
- June 17 Meeting Materials
- June 11 Meeting Materials
- May 19 Meeting Materials
- Charter
- Federal Register Notice Establishing the Charter and Solicitation of Nominations