Essential Workers–Essential Protections: Indiana Virtual Conference

Submitted by Johnson.Wendy@… on

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) in Indianapolis, Indiana along with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (OSHA) will be presenting on their continuing efforts during COVID19 to Employees, business owners and other stakeholders.

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Essential Workers–Essential Protections: Indiana Virtual Conference

Submitted by Johnson.Wendy@… on

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) in Indianapolis, Indiana along with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (OSHA) will be presenting on their continuing efforts during COVID19 to Employees, business owners and other stakeholders.

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DOL/WHD/OSHA Essential Workers, Essential Protections: Back to Basics

Submitted by Johnson.Wendy@… on

OSHA will update on general information on current policies, new standards, emphasis programs, safety and health programs, inspection data, whistle blower protections and available compliance assistance resources. WHD will discuss changes in the workplace that have generated question for workers, advocates and employers that will include the FLSA and FMLA.

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LinkedIn Job Search

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

LinkedIn Job Search - *Request completion of the LinkedIn Profiles workshop prior to registering for this workshop. This workshop offers insider knowledge to utilize LinkedIn’s job search features. Participants learn how to set job alerts, connect with new people, join groups, and follow organizations to grow their networks. This workshop also shares a rare sneak peek into the recruiter’s view on LinkedIn providing invaluable insight into LinkedIn job searches.

Sign up for this class BEFORE May 17
Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

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Salary Negotiations

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Salary Negotiations - This workshop explains basic knowledge for salary, compensation, job offers and negotiation skills. Included exercises and resources will help you understand your worth to your next employer.

Sign up for this class BEFORE May 17
Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

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Interview Skills

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Interview Skills - Preparation is key for a great job interview. This workshop provides tips and coaching for job interviews and handling those hard-to-answer questions

Sign up for this class BEFORE May 17
Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

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Event Location


LinkedIn Profiles

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

LinkedIn Profiles - This workshop walks participants through building their LinkedIn profiles. Participants learn how to create a profile that markets their professional brand, uses keywords to attract recruiters, and utilizes LinkedIn for skill endorsements and recommendations from their networks. *It is encouraged that this workshop be completed prior to attending the LinkedIn Job Search workshop.

Sign up for this class BEFORE May 16
Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

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Event Location


Federal Hiring

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Federal Hiring - This workshop provides an introduction to the federal hiring process. Participants review federal employment, special hiring authorities for military spouses, and differences between federal and private sector resumes. In addition, participants set up accounts on USAJOBS and review features to assist in their federal job search.

Sign up for this class BEFORE May 17
Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

Date and Time
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Marketing Me

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Marketing Me: A workshop focused on using marketing techniques for your job search. We’ll explore networking opportunities and use multiple resources to develop an action plan for your job hunt.

Sign up for this class BEFORE May 10
Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


Mastering Resume Essentials

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Mastering Resume Essentials - This workshop is designed to create your most effective resume. You will complete a draft resume with guidance from trained facilitators, learn how to evaluate your resume and understand job application techniques.

Sign up for this class BEFORE May 11
Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


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