Investing Plan Assets

There are thousands of investments out there, from fairly basic, low maintenance choices to more complex financial instruments. Whatever you choose, make sure you’re comfortable with your decisions, and that over time, the investments continue to be in the participants’ best interest.

When considering plan investments, a key plan design decision you’ll make is whether to permit the participants to direct the investment of their accounts or whether you (or someone you hire) will manage the monies on their behalf.

If you allow participants to direct their 401(k) investments, you must decide what investment options to make available and take steps regularly to make participants aware of their related rights and responsibilities. This includes providing plan– and investment–related information, including information about fees and expenses that participants need to make informed decisions about the management of their individual accounts.

You (or those you hire) must provide that information to participants periodically, including before they can first direct their investment in the plan. The investment–related information needs to be presented in a format, such as a chart, that allows for comparison of the plan's investment options. A model chart  is available to help you provide this information.

If properly executed, this type of plan limits your liability for participants’ investment decisions.

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