Example in Action: Government's Role in Multistakeholder Initiatives: Brazil's "Dirty List" and the Institute of the National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor

The Government of Brazil publishes a Register of Employers (Cadastro de Empregadores), also known as the "Dirty List" (Lista Suja), who have been found by government inspectors to be subjecting workers to "conditions analogous to slavery." Before being added to the list, employers can enter into court orders or Terms of Adjustment in Conduct (TAC), requiring them to pay all wages due to workers and adopt preventive measures. Employers who do not adopt or fail to comply with court orders or TAC are added to the list. Listed companies are banned from acquiring credit from state-owned banks and may be refused credit from some private banks. Violators are kept on the list for 2 years and are removed only if they have discontinued use of forced labor and paid all back wages.
The "Dirty List" as a tool is complemented by the work of civil society actors like the Institute of the National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor* (InPACTO). InPACTO works with the private sector, civil society organizations, multilateral organizations, and government agencies to prevent and eliminate forced labor in supply chains. Companies or business associations that become members of InPACTO commit to cutting commercial ties with individuals or businesses on the "Dirty List," monitoring their supply chains, providing training on forced labor to employees and suppliers, and supporting social reintegration programs for workers freed from forced labor, among other actions. More than 40 companies and 6 business associations are part of InPACTO.
For more information, visit InPACTO at http://inpacto.org.br/.
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