Example in Action: ILO's Global Business Network on Forced Labor

Man with pickaxe working in a field.
Photo Credit: Hennie Stander_Unsplash

Launched in June 2018, the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Global Business Network on Forced Labor (GBNFL), supported by initial funding from USDOL and Mars, Inc.,* brings together the ILO with businesses of all sizes and sectors and their networks from around the globe to eradicate forced labor. Operating across all sectors and geographies, ILO GBNFL members work to engage smaller enterprises, develop actionable resources and tools—including a due diligence toolkit for fair recruitment(link is external)—and devise local solutions that help shape national frameworks to create lasting change.

For more information and a list of current members, please visit www.flbusiness.network(link is external) or contact fl-businessnetwork@ilo.org.

DOL welcomes examples of good practices 
to address child labor and forced labor. 

Email us at GlobalKids@dol.gov.