Key Topic: Engagement Opportunities with Key Stakeholders

Which stakeholders does your company want to engage with?
Here are some opportunities to engage company employees:
- Code of Conduct: Understand and implement
- Risk Assessment: Integrate compliance data into decision-making
- Training: Make sure company's work follows social compliance
- Communication: Understand how to communicate about company's worker-driven social compliance system
- Auditing, Independent Monitoring, and Verification: Supplement worksite auditing programs on field visits
- Remediation: Share ideas for how a company’s work can address root causes of labor abuses
- Public Reporting: Contribute material, including statements on importance of worker-driven social compliance
Here are some opportunities to engage facility workers and worker representative organizations:
- Code of Conduct: Be involved in development, bringing credibility + expertise + experience to the process
- Risk Assessment: Monitor and help identify risks of child labor and forced labor at worksites, raise risks to management
- Training: Participate fully in worker training and provide feedback
- Communication: Engage in collective bargaining; communicate with management to report labor rights violations
- Auditing, Independent Monitoring, and Verification: Workers’ organizations may act as independent monitors or verifiers where appropriate; utilize grievance and feedback mechanisms
- Remediation: Be involved in remediation planning and implementation, when appropriate
- Public Reporting: Contribute material, including statements on importance of worker-driven social compliance
Here are some opportunities to engage suppliers:
- Code of Conduct: Be involved in development, bringing credibility + expertise + experience to the process
- Risk Assessment: Provide information for the company’s risk assessment, including information on sex, culture, community dynamics, and vulnerable individuals and groups
- Training: Participate fully in worker training
- Communication: Ongoing communication with affected communities about workplace issues; engage in collective bargaining and adhere to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work including by supporting freedom of association, freedom from discrimination, efforts to identify and eliminate forced and child labor, and promotion of occupational safety and health (OSH) in the workplace
- Auditing, Independent Monitoring, and Verification: Cooperate fully with auditors and independent verifiers
- Remediation: Take an active role; develop corrective action plans (CAPs)
- Public Reporting: Contribute material, including statements on importance of worker-driven social compliance
Here are some opportunities to engage communities and CSOs:
- Code of Conduct: Be involved in development, bringing credibility + expertise + experience to the process
- Risk Assessment: Provide information for the company’s risk assessment, including information on sex, culture, community dynamics, and vulnerable individuals and groups
- Training: Provide training on child labor, forced labor, freedom of association, and other labor issues
- Communication: Ongoing communication with affected communities about workplace issues; engage in collective bargaining and adhere to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work including by supporting freedom of association, freedom from discrimination, efforts to identify and eliminate forced and child labor, and promotion of occupational safety and health (OSH) in the workplace
- Auditing, Independent Monitoring, and Verification: Help carry out audits or independent verification, or support community-based monitoring systems
- Remediation: Provide direct services for victims and advise companies on remediation
- Public Reporting: Provide comments on public reporting to enhance accuracy and credibility
Here are some opportunities to engage NGOs and INGOs:
- Code of Conduct: Be involved in development, bringing credibility + expertise + experience to the process
- Risk Assessment: Provide information for the company’s risk assessment, including information on sex, culture, community dynamics, and vulnerable individuals and groups
- Training: Provide training on child labor, forced labor, freedom of association, and other labor issues
- Communication: Ongoing communication with affected communities about workplace issues; engage in collective bargaining and adhere to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work including by supporting freedom of association, freedom from discrimination, efforts to identify and eliminate forced and child labor, and promotion of occupational safety and health (OSH) in the workplace
- Auditing, Independent Monitoring, and Verification: Help carry out audits or independent verification, or support community-based monitoring systems
- Remediation: Provide direct services for victims and advise companies on remediation; offer expertise on issue-specific remediation approaches
- Public Reporting: Provide comments on public reporting to enhance accuracy and credibility
Here are some opportunities to engage shareholders and investors:
- Code of Conduct and Risk Assessment: Advocate for and demand accountability or action from companies when labor rights violations are identified
- Training: Participate in training on the purpose and operations of a worker-driven social compliance system
- Communication; Auditing, Independent Monitoring, and Verification; and Remediation: Develop or strengthen efforts and actions to address root causes of labor abuses
- Public Reporting: Encourage the company to dedicate resources to public reporting