Responsible business is good business. Businesses can perform well while creating jobs that respect labor rights. Governments can help by creating and facilitating conditions for responsible business conduct and respect for labor rights to thrive.

Explore the U.S. Government Responsible Business Conduct and Labor Rights InfoHub, an online repository to communicate an all-of-government point of view, approach and suite of resources to advance labor rights outcomes in business operations and value chains.

About the InfoHub

The U.S. government is committed to promoting responsible business conduct in global supply chains. This commitment includes upholding international standards to protect the rights of workers, safeguarding access to remedies, and ensuring accountability for all stakeholders within supply chains.

Further, responsible business conduct means that businesses can positively impact economic, environmental, and social progress. Businesses can do this by committing to robust due diligence efforts and complying with legal obligations both at home and overseas.

This website serves as a central hub for U.S. government-wide policy, guidance, tools, resources, and outcomes-based approaches available to businesses to advance responsible business conduct in global supply chains, focusing on labor rights.

Guiding Frameworks

Understanding the foundation of responsible business conduct is vital for the success of global businesses in meeting expectations and obligations. The following guiding frameworks provide a foundation of responsible business conduct that guides companies on how to operate and proactively contribute to economic, environmental, and social progress as understood from both global and national perspectives.

engineer using a tablet to check a wind turbine Photo Credit Sunan Wongsa-nga