Example in Action: An Industry-Led Forum for Change: Child Labor Platform

The ILO’s Child Labor Platform (CLP) is a business-led forum that aims to tackle child labor in supply chains. The CLP works to provide concrete solutions for buyers, factory owners, and suppliers by supporting member companies through a comprehensive process of due diligence across tiers. This includes support for embedding strong policies and good business practices, assessing risks, measuring impact, and addressing root causes through meaningful local and global dialogue with governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and other stakeholders. New businesses and relevant organizations are welcomed into the CLP on an ongoing basis. For more information, check out: https://www.ilo.org/ipec/projects/global/WCMS_390400/lang--en/index.htm.
DOL welcomes examples of good practices
to address child labor and forced labor.
Email us at GlobalKids@dol.gov.