The Office of International Relations and Economic Research promotes ILAB's mission through both bilateral and multilateral engagement. We represent, coordinate, and facilitate U.S. Government participation in the labor components of all major international organizations that deal with labor and employment issues. We also work closely with the U.S. Department of State to ensure the inclusion of appropriate labor and employment issues in U.S. foreign relations and to keep U.S. foreign policy makers informed of the prominent transnational and governmental labor issues and policies that shape the global political and economic landscape. Finally, we work closely with specialized DOL agencies to inform them about relevant international developments and to ensure that their interests and perspectives are represented and protected in our foreign engagements.

The Office of International Relations and Economic Research leads bilateral engagement with foreign countries to promote worker rights and sound labor and employment policies, share knowledge about international labor and employment to inform U.S. domestic policymaking, and facilitate effective labor diplomacy initiatives, including the labor attaché program, international visitors program, labor officer training, and the labor diplomacy award.

Currently, bilateral engagement includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Germany:  The United States’ Department of Labor maintains a strong working relationship with Germany’s Federal Ministry of Labor, covering the future of work, apprenticeships, youth employment, and supply chains.
  • Japan:  The United States’ Department of Labor and Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare maintain cooperative activities and an annual labor dialogue regarding workforce development and effective social protection. 
  • Qatar:  The United States’ Department of Labor and Qatar’s Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs established a Memorandum of Understanding in March 2019 for labor cooperation, targeting labor inspection, referral mechanisms and handling for complaints, and domestic workers and employers rights and responsibilities.  
  • Switzerland:  The United States’ Department of Labor, in collaboration with the United States Departments of Education and Commerce, maintains a strong working relationship with Switzerland’s Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research to explore opportunities to provide workers with a pathway to family-sustaining jobs and employers with a skilled workforce in traditional and emerging occupations.  

If you would like to learn more about these activities, please send an email to