Annual WIOA Performance Assessments

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) state performance is assessed annually as part of the performance accountability requirements established in WIOA Section 116. The results of the WIOA annual state performance assessments are summarized in the Annual WIOA National Performance Assessment. As a part of these requirements, the Departments of Labor and Education must determine performance success or failure with respect to the primary indicators of performance for each of the six WIOA core programs in each state. These determinations are used, among other purposes, for determining whether a state will face financial sanctions according to the WIOA performance accountability requirements in WIOA Section 116. For guidance and resources on the WIOA Negotiations and Sanctions process, see Negotiations and Sanctions Guidance for the WIOA Core Programs (TEGL 11-19), Change 1 and ETA’s WIOA Negotiations page.

The Annual WIOA National Performance Assessment report provides an overview of which states achieved performance success and failure, and an overview of the scores that resulted in those successes and failures. The report also includes more detailed data tables that summarize how those scores were calculated, using the WIOA Statistical Adjustment Model to apply adjustments to states’ negotiated levels of performance before comparing those adjusted levels of performance to the actual levels of performance achieved by the states. Finally, the reports include charts and analysis on the performance of the WIOA Statistical Adjustment Model itself, including charts highlighting which variables had the greatest impact on the adjustments.

WIOA National Performance Assessments