WIOA Negotiations and Sanction Guidance

TEGL 11-19, Change 1: Negotiations and Sanctions Guidance for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Core Programs (May 10, 2023)

This guidance supersedes Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 11-19, published February 6, 2020, and developed jointly by the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education (the Departments). Through this updated guidance, the Departments:  

  • Revise their approach to using the statistical adjustment model for the purpose of assessing state performance; 
  • Clarify the implementation of potential financial sanctions for consecutive performance failures occurring across multiple State Plan periods; and 
  • Clarify that states can be sanctioned up to 10 percent of the Governor’s Reserve Allotment if there is consecutive performance failure and a failure to report for the same program year.

This guidance also continues to delineate the process for negotiating levels of performance, as required by section 116(b)(3)(A)(iv) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and explains the two instances in which a state may be sanctioned, namely for performance failure or for failure to report (section 116(f) of WIOA).

Performance Negotiations

PY 2024 - 2025 Negotiations Tool

This tool aims to aid in the negotiation process of setting negotiated levels of performance for Program Years 2024 and 2025. It provides users with benchmarks provided by the statistical adjustment model (SAM)--as required by WIOA--along with an analysis of historical performance that shows both actual levels of performance as well as historic WIA performance outcomes viewed through a WIOA lens.

PY 2024 - 2025 State Model Summaries

These are state-specific summaries of the key elements derived from the statistical adjustment models developed for PY 2024-2025. For each individual performance indicator there are plots that show how the actual level of performance for the specific state in PY 2022 compared to all states and how the pre-program year performance estimate predicted level of performance for the specific state in PY 2024 compares to the predicted levels for all states. There are also tables that give all the relevant model estimates and pre-program year 2024 data for all of the model variables. In addition, the last tab has a table that identifies all the variables included in each individual indicator model.

WIOA State Negotiated Levels of Performance

These are the negotiated levels of performance agreed to by the Department of Labor and respective state agencies.

WIOA Performance Accountability Cycle e-Learning Module(link is external)

The module is intended for state and local workforce boards, administrators, and policy and operations staff.  It walks the user through basic elements of the negotiations process using a narrative that follows a fictional state through each step of the cycle. 

WIOA Statistical Adjustment Model Resources

PY 2024 - 2025 Model Selection Paper

This document provides an overview of the statistical analysis that was conducted in developing and evaluating the statistical adjustment models that will be used for the 2024 and 2025 program years (PY).

PY 2024 - 2025 Statistical Adjustment Model Variable List

This document shows which variables are in each of the models and provides additional definitions of how the variables are calculated.

Economic Data Resources

The WIOA Statistical Adjustment Models include variables that accounts for the economic conditions of states. The data sources for the economic conditions variables are below.

Performance Negotiations Archive

This archive includes:

  • Original WIOA Statistical Model Methodology Report
  • Prior Model Selection Papers
  • Prior Negotiations Tools & Resources

Government Performance and Results Act

GPRA was designed to improve program management throughout the Federal government. Agencies are required to develop a five-year strategic plan outlining its mission, long-term goals for the agency's major functions, performance measures, and reporting results.