Welcome to the Performance and Reporting Technical Assistance Page!

This page provides an overview of technical assistance resources and tools to help grantees navigate performance accountability and reporting requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Here you will find resources on program updates, indicators of performance, reporting requirements, policy guidance, performance results and data, and other performance reporting information related to WIOA and the workforce development system. Follow the links below to find specific tools and resources.

WIOA, which supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, presents an extraordinary opportunity to improve job and career options for our nation's workers and job seekers through an integrated, job-driven public workforce system that links diverse talent to businesses. It supports the development of strong, vibrant regional economies where businesses thrive and people want to live and work.

Data-related Technical Assistance Resources & Tools

These resources provide support for grantees, stakeholders, and the public to understand WIOA data and reporting requirements and outcomes.

  • TEGL10-16, Change 3: Performance Accountability Guidance for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Core Programs 
    This guidance updates Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 10-16, Change 2, published September 15, 2022, and developed jointly by the U.S. Departments of Labor (DOL) and Education (ED) (the Departments). 
  • TEGL 14-18: Aligning Performance Accountability Reporting, Definitions, and Policies Across Workforce Employment and Training Programs Administered by the DOL
    This TEGL aligns and streamlines performance indicators and requirements across 15 DOL Employment and Training Administration (ETA) programs to the WIOA performance indicators, while also rescinding and eliminating outdated performance guidance for these programs in addition to clarifying existing ETA performance accountability policies that changed due to WIOA.
  • Credential Attainment Resource Page(link is external) 
    Serves as a central location for topics related specifically to WIOA credential attainment.
  • Non-Binding PY 2023 WIOA MSG Performance Assessment Results
    Workbook showing what the results of the WIOA Annual Performance Assessments for PY 2023 would have been if MSG had been assessed. The results displayed are not binding and are for informational purposes only. 

Workforce Integrated Performance System (WIPS)

Find the technical assistance resources to help you access and utilize the Workforce Integrated Performance System including walkthrough videos, details on the reporting process, and ETP Self-Check materials.


ETA introduced WorkforceGPS specifically for workforce professionals, educators, and business leaders. Here you will find useful webinars and training resources, promising workforce development practices, and evidence-based research to help you navigate and improve your state’s performance reporting.

The WorkforceGPS Performance Reporting(link is external) community provides technical assistance to grantees operating WIOA and ETA employment and training programs, particularly for those practitioners responsible for reporting on performance or making policy involving performance. As ETA identifies new technical assistance needs, new content will be developed and added to this site.

WIOA Performance Assessment Web Based Training for titles I and III

The performance assessment ­web-based training helps workforce system staff and managers, Board members, and policy leaders better understand the annual performance assessment process and how a state’s programs are assessed. Take this engaging web-based training for title I and III programs to learn how states are assessed at the end of the program year, what it means to perform successfully, and how failures to meet adjusted levels of performance are calculated. Navigate quickly to specific topics of interest, visit the glossary for term definitions, and link to related resources for more information.

After this training participants will have a foundational awareness of how the performance assessment scores are calculated and applied annually, and how to interpret state level performance assessments. 

This training applies to performance assessment scores related to:

  • Title I Performance Assessments: Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth 
  • Title III Performance Assessments: Wagner-Peyser


TrainingProviderResults.gov helps further the U.S. Department of Labor’s mission of providing high-quality job training and enhanced employment opportunities to the American workforce. This website aims to help individuals make informed career training choices based on the program’s completion and employment results, make the best use of their Individual Training Account (ITA) funds, and assist American Job Center staff compare the quality of programs offered by approved training providers. 

For an overview of the website, please go to the tutorial video to help you start your search.