The Form 5500 Annual Report is the primary source of information about the operations, funding and investments of approximately 800,000 retirement and welfare benefit plans. The datasets below contain structured data from Form 5500 and Form 5500-SF forms and schedules filed annually.

The 2009 and later Form 5500 datasets are typically updated around the first of each month, give or take a few days. Please see the Form 5500 Datasets Guide for an explanation of the data structures for the 2009 and later datasets.

The 2008 and prior year Form 5500 datasets are complete and will not change. Any filers submitting delinquent Form 5500s for plan years prior to 2009 will use the current form available on EFAST2 (see EFAST2 FAQ 4). The data for that filing will be included in the current form dataset. EFAST2 offers a 5500 Version Selection Tool to assist filers in determining which version of the Form 5500 series to submit.

Beginning with the 2009 datasets, each dataset represents the form year of the filing (the year printed in the top right box of the form). For 2008 and prior datasets, each dataset represents the plan year of the filing (the plan year end date entered by the filer in Part I of the Form 5500).

For questions regarding Form 5500 records, please contact the ERISA Public Disclosure Room at (202) 693-8673. For datasets prior to 1999 or for custom datasets, submit a request by following the instructions on our FOIA page. There may be a fee associated with EBSA’s creation of such datasets.

2024 Form 5500

Data Dictionary

2023 Form 5500

Data Dictionary

2022 Form 5500

Data Dictionary

2010 Form 5500

Data Dictionary

2009 Form 5500

Data Dictionary

2008 Form 5500

Data Dictionary

Beginning with the 2008 Form 5500, actuarial information is filed on the Schedule SB for single employer plans and the MB for multiemployer plans. For the 2008 Form 5500, Schedule SB and MB raw datasets are not available. However, you can obtain an image of filed Schedule SBs and MBs using the online