Request for Information to Update the Compendium of State Unemployment Insurance Operations, Organizations and Relationships
To request information from the State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) to update the Compendium of State Unemployment Insurance Operations, Organizations and Relationships (Compendium).
Questions regarding this directive should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office.
References: Compendium of State Unemployment Insurance Operations, Organizations and Relationships OMB Approval: This request for information has been approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, under OMB Number 1205-0333 which expires July 31, 2000. The respondent's obligation to reply is mandatory under Public Law 74-271. Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 180 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Unemployment Insurance Service, Room S-4516 Francis Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210 (Paperwork Reduction Project 1205-0333). Background: The first Compendium was published in July 1989. It was updated and republished in 1990 and most recently, updated in 1993 and republished in 1995. Department of Labor and SESA staff members have reported that the Compendium is useful and should be updated on a continuing basis to ensure that the information is current. The information has been used to respond to a variety of inquiries. It has also been helpful to SESAs for planning purposes because other SESAs using a particular type of procedure or technology can be identified and then contacted for specifics about the advantages and disadvantages of a procedure or technology. After the most recent update, the Compendium was stored on the World Wide Web. It is now universally accessible. The on-line search capacity provides a very quick means to locate items. The address of the on-line Compendium is http://www.itsc.state.md.us/ui_manage/compend/toc.html. More than three years have passed since the information for the 1993 update was collected. It is time to collect new information and publish a more current Compendium. The SESAs are asked to provide information on changes that need to be made to the tables in the Compendium to reflect their current operations, organizations and relationships. This information will be compiled and an updated Compendium will be published as early as possible in 1998. The cooperation of each SESA is needed to make this updating effort successful by providing the UI community with an accurate and current Compendium. SESAs are requested to submit any changes to the Compendium following the procedures outlined in Section 5. Future changes should be submitted as they occur following these same procedures. Information will be accepted on a continuing basis, therefore, SESAs should submit changes as they occur rather than waiting for a future request for new information. One new four-part question is included with the attached Compendium. This question addresses the production and mailing of quarterly tax and wage reports. Action Required: SESA Administrators are requested to have appropriate staff do the following tasks: (a) Select one appropriate answers to the new compendium question on attachment A. (b) Review each page of the attached copy of the Compendium, and indicate on appropriate pages any change that should be made with respect to information about your State. -- (1) In red ink, mark through any incorrect information about your State and/or; -- (2) In red ink, print your State name in the appropriate column, place an "X" or a "Yes" or "No" in the appropriate column(s) beside your State name, or write in a brief response that describes how a function or activity is accomplished in your State. (c) Return the new compendium question and ONLY the pages of the Compendium on which changes have been marked to the Unemployment Insurance Service, Attention: Diane Wood by May 1, 1998, or (d) States that have access to the Internet may accomplish this procedure by using e mail to transmit the information to woodd@doleta.gov. (e) Please supply a name and telephone number for the individual in your State who can answer any questions, should they arise, on the material submitted. Since the Compendium covers many different areas and programs this individual may be the person who was responsible for coordinating the information. He/she need not have full knowledge of all programs, but should know who can supply information about the various areas in your State that are covered by the Compendium.
All State Employment Security Agencies
Grace A. Kilbane Director Unemployment Insurance Service
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration