Career Preparation

Young people benefit substantially from timely and diverse career-preparation and work-based learning opportunities that allow them to explore career interests and develop soft and hard job skills. These opportunities can take the form of job shadowing, internships, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships and summer work experiences. State career-preparation and work-based learning programs include summer work programs and transition camps. ODEP’s Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) maintains and updates a 50-state scan that categorizes state programs in every state based on their key activities or correspondence to the Guideposts for Success, including career preparation and work-based learning. 


ODEP's apprenticeship initiative focused on increasing systems capacity to provide integrated inclusive apprenticeship training to youth and young adults with a full range of disabilities, including those with the most significant disabilities, and to utilize the increased flexibilities detailed in DOL's apprenticeship regulations, 29 CFR Part 29, issued in 2008.

Youth Supplemental Security Income Recipients

ODEP funded the Evaluation of Initiatives to Improve Adult Outcomes and Employment Opportunities for Young Recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to help identify where and how to best build on existing research and lessons from the field and to identify new and follow-up research questions and promising models or strategies that could be tested for assisting youth SSI recipients and those at risk of receiving SSI benefits with the transition to sustained, gainful employment.

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