ODEP and our grantees, contractors, and other partners undertake a variety of research, analysis, and evaluation efforts to help us achieve our mission. This page contains information and links to work completed or published a year or more ago. To view our current work, please visit our Current & Recently Completed Work page. For tools and other resources related to research highlighted in this section, please visit project-specific pages.
2011 — 2020
SSI Youth Recipient and Employment Transition Formative Research Project
This project contributed to the evidence base of promising initiatives that can improve employment and other adult outcomes for young SSI recipients.
The Transition to Employment: Better Data Needed to Identify Best Practices for Youth SSI Recipients
(2018) This brief highlights two transition frameworks for youth with disabilities designed to guide intervention development and assessment, evidence on potential interventions, and federal and state programs that youth might access.
Youth Populations that Could Benefit from Employment Interventions
(2018) This brief highlights three groups of potential target populations among youth with disabilities for employment interventions and possible sources of data that could be used to identify these groups. It also reviews three methodological considerations for matching a target population to an intervention.
A Framework for Selecting Employment Interventions to Benefit Youth
(2018) This issue brief describes a three-step process that policymakers can use when selecting from various employment interventions and target populations among youth with disabilities.
A Worksheet to Select Employment Interventions that Benefit Youth
(2018) This issue brief includes a worksheet of questions that federal policymakers can ask themselves to help identify and develop interventions to improve employment-related outcomes for youth with disabilities.
Many Hands Make Employment Work: Collaborations between VR Agencies and Workforce Development Boards to Provide Work-Based Learning Experiences
(2018) This report presents two examples of collaborations between state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies and local workforce development boards to deliver programs that provide work-based learning experiences (WBLEs) to students with disabilities.
S@W/R2W Policy Collaborative
From 2013 through 2017, ODEP funded the S@W/R2W Policy Collaborative to explore effective practices under the SAW/RTW umbrella with a goal of informing policy recommendations targeting federal and state agencies, as well as the private sector. The Collaborative included a Community of Practice and policy work groups led by subject matter experts to guide our SAW/RTW research.
The AJC Accessibility and Services for PWD including Ticket Holders of the Ticket to Work Program Study
The purpose of this study was to measure the accessibility of American Job Centers (AJC) for people with disabilities. The main objective of this study was to rigorously measure the accessibility of the nation's AJC system to people with disabilities and, based on this information, make recommendations for improvements, as appropriate. A second study conducted focused on how American Job Centers served ticket holders of the Ticket to Work program.