Individuals with disabilities should feel as safe and secure in their communities and work environments as individuals without disabilities. Too often, however, the needs of people with disabilities are not considered in emergency planning, despite the fact that the need for such planning has received an increased focus due to recent disasters, both natural and man-made.
To help address this disparity, ODEP — through its leadership on the Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities — helped develop several resources to assist individuals, organizations, and employers create emergency preparedness plans that take into account the needs of people with disabilities.
The following provide more information about emergency preparedness and people with disabilities:
Tools and Guidelines
- Preparing the Workplace for Everyone: Accounting for the Needs of People with Disabilities — Practical guidelines to help emergency managers and employees plan for workplace emergencies. Developed by a committee of Federal agencies, this framework has had several updates.
- Addenda — Serving individuals with disabilities during an emergency
- Effective Emergency Preparedness Planning: Addressing the Needs of Employees with Disabilities — Fact sheet that provides overview of how to effectively take into account the needs and perspectives of people with disabilities in workplace emergency preparedness plans.
Additional Resources
- The Job Accommodation Network Emergency Evacuation Resources
- List of State Emergency Management Agencies — Contact information on FEMA's website for each state's emergency management agencies and offices.
- 9-1-1 and Emergency Communications Services — Explains the basics about what the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires for 9-1-1 and other emergency communications services operated by or for state or local governments.
- Effective Communications for People with Disabilities: Before, During, and After Emergencies — A report from the National Council on Disability that looks at barriers, facilitators, and successful practices in providing effective emergency-related communications.
- Information for Individuals with Disabilities — Information from FEMA about creating an emergency preparedness plan that takes into consideration the needs of people with disabilities, including people who are deaf or blind or who have speech or mobility disabilities.