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ODEP News Brief. Driving Change - Creating Opportunity

June 27, 2024

A person with a developmental disability sits on the living room floor looking at a laptop and holding a phone.What Inequities Do Disabled People Face? Share Your Thoughts

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is seeking input from the disability community to help steer evidence-based federal policy to advance equity for people with disabilities in areas such as health, employment and education. You can join OSTP’s webinar on June 28, 2024, at noon ET, to learn more about this request for information and how to submit your comments. You may also submit your comments directly through the Federal Register website until July 15, 2024.

Graphic reading Commemorating 25 Years of Olmstead overlaid on a close-up of the columns of the U.S. Supreme Court building.Watch the Olmstead 25th Anniversary Event

On June 20, leaders from several federal agencies came together in Washington to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision in Olmstead v. L.C., celebrating the progress it spurred in inclusion and community living for disabled people. The event highlighted joint efforts from across the federal government to “bring Olmstead to life” and featured stories from people with disabilities and their families about what Olmstead has meant for them. You can watch it all at the link below. To hear ODEP Assistant Secretary Taryn Williams speak about why our agency’s work matters, jump to the final panel of the event (1:44).

Headshot of a Black person with close-cropped hair and beard, wearing a checked shirt, gray tie and gray suit vest.WRP Success Story: Elijah Henderson

Elijah Henderson earned his B.A. in communications studies in 2022 from Gallaudet University, where he is now working toward a master’s degree. After learning about the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) from a friend, Elijah, who is Deaf and uses cochlear implants, worked with his school’s coordinator to register with the program and make himself available for employment. Soon he was fielding inquiries from several federal agencies. Every day, the WRP connects disabled students and recent grads like Elijah to potential jobs and internships across the federal government. Read Elijah’s story and learn more about the WRP at the link below. For college and university administrators: Register your school through the end of this month!

Graphic showing the ODEP and LinkedIn logos side-by-side.Follow ODEP on LinkedIn!

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