ODEP works with and supports a number of U.S. Department of Labor initiatives that provide training and employment services to veterans and returning service members with disabilities.

My Next Move

My Next Move

My Next Move at www.MyNextMove.org/vets is a DOL resource where veterans can use a simple and quick search engine to enter their prior military experience (branch of service and military occupation code or title) and link to the information they need to explore information on civilian careers and related training, including information they can use to write resumes that highlight related civilian skills.



Veterans.gov is a one-stop employment services website from DOL’s Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS). The site brings together job banks, state employment offices, American Job Centers, self-employment information, tools for employers, and more.

Feds Hire Vets

Feds Hire Vets

FedsHireVets.gov is a web portal sponsored by U.S. Office of Personnel Management in partnership with the Departments of Labor, Defense, Veterans Affairs, and other Federal agencies, providing Federal employment information for veterans, transitioning service members, their families, and Federal hiring officials. The site has a wealth of information on opportunities and special hiring authorities, practical tips on things like building an effective resume, and success stories.

elaws Advisors

Elaws Advisors

DOL's eLAWS "advisors" help employees and employers learn their rights and responsibilities under Federal employment laws, and there are three specifically relevant to veterans:

Additional Resources

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Veterans and Service Members Webpage — Includes information on accommodations in the workplace that may be helpful to veterans.

Connecting Veterans To Registered Apprenticeship — This desk reference guide was developed by ODEP, in collaboration with DOL VETS and the VA’s Veterans Readiness and Employment (VR&E), to support the transition of more veterans with disabilities into registered apprenticeships. The information contained in this guide includes a list of resources, a glossary of terms and acronyms, and an Appendix with veterans benefits. An accompanying video series is also available.

State Veterans Affairs Offices(link is external) — Contact your state's Department of Veterans Affairs to connect with benefits and services for veterans and their families.

Paralyzed Veterans of America Veterans Career Program(link is external) — Offers resume assistance, interview preparation, career counseling, and employer networking to veterans and their dependents.