Amending the State Wage Interchange System (SWIS) Agreement

The Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and its partners at the Department of Education, the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration (OSERS/RSA) facilitate the review of proposed amendments to the SWIS Data Sharing Agreement. As signatories to the SWIS Agreement, State Unemployment Insurance Agencies (SUIAs) and Performance Accountability and Customer Information Agencies (PACIAs) are required to participate in the amendment process. For more information about the amendment process see Section XV of the SWIS Agreement.

Amendment Approval Process

The following steps outline the amendment approval process:

  • First Comment Period (15 business days) 
  • Review feedback from First Comment Period
  • Revise Proposed Amendments and Release for Comment Period Two (15 business days)
  • Conference Call/Webinar during Comment Period Two 
  • Collection of Amendment Signatures

Current Amendment Activity

First Amendment to the SWIS Agreement

Second Amendment to the SWIS Agreement