Data Validation Guidance

  • TEGL 23-19: Guidance for Validating Required Performance Data Submitted by Grant Recipients of U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Workforce Programs
  • TEGL 22-15: Program Year (PY) 2015/Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 and PY 2014/FY 2015 Data Validation and Performance Reporting Requirements and Associated Timelines
  • TEGL 06-14: Program Year (PY) 2013/Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Data Validation and Performance Reporting Requirements and Associated Timelines
  • TEN 4-13: Program Year (PY) 2012/Fiscal Year 2013 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines
  • TEGL 3-03: Data Validation Policy for Employment and Training Programs
  • TEN 14-02: Data Validation Policy for Employment and Training Programs

Data Validation PRA Package

Data Validation Software

States and grantees can use these tools to validate data. The ETA software can also be used to generate the aggregate information required in reports submitted to ETA. States and grantees that use the software provided by ETA to generate this aggregate information will not be required to perform report validation.

WIA and W-P

WIA and W-P
Version 7.2.2 DRVS Version 7.2.2

Please be aware that DRVS 7.2.2_Seedfix corrects the auto-populating date fields for PY 2010, 2011, and 2012. After applying this patch, the work-around used last quarter is no long necessary. In order to apply this patch, your DRVS system should have the latest version (7.2.2) already installed.

How to install the DRVS on a Windows 7 PC


Version 2.0 DRVS Version 7.2.2

This software should be used to validate the TAPR records submitted for Fiscal Year 2006.

The software has been updated to account for the following:

  • the Record Layout has been revised to reflect TAPR changes for FY06;
  • the software's edit checks have been updated to conform to the TAPR edits listed in ETA's edit checks; and
  • Performance Outcome Groups and the Performance Report have been revised to implement common measures.


Version 2.0 NFJP Validation Software Version 2.0

NFJP grantees can use version 2.0 with the PY 2006 Quarter 3 WIASPR to conduct data element validation for PY 2005 exiters, and to analyze exiter performance.

  • An updated that updates the acceptable federal source documentation listed in Appendix C. The prior version accidentally excluded some acceptable source documentation. The new version includes all source documentation from last year. States should copy this document and put it in C:\program files\NFJP\docs folder so that they can access it from the Help menu.
  • An updated NFJP.exe for NFJP Data Validation Software version 2.0 is available. This updated NFJP.exe file implements valid value edit checks for only those key elements that need to be validated or are important for validation, thus solving the problem that some grantee files are not able to import properly due to too many invalid values. It also fixes edit check B for the Exit Category field.
  • Grantees should first install NFJP2.0_Setup.exe (released 4/30/07) if they haven't done so, then replace the old NFJP.exe in C:\Program Files\NFJP (or in whatever location grantees chose to install the software) with this updated executable. The new executable is in addition to the installation so that the installation should not be removed. Open the application and follow the instructions in the NFJP user handbook to import files and conduct data validation. Please contact NFJPTA@mathematica-mpr.comfor any technical assistance questions.