
Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) Where the Date of the Disaster Occurs During the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 1994 (July 1 through September 30, 1994)


To transmit the AWBA for each State for the fourth quarter of FY 1994.


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Unemployment Insurance Service

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July 31, 1995
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Current Checklist of General Administration Letters (GALs) as of June 30, 1994


To transmit a checklist of current GALs.


Inquiries may be directed to Directives Control at 202-2l9-5585.

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Remove canceled GALs listed on Attachment A from your active files. While a GAL may be declared obsolete, the attachment or separate cover material transmitted with it may be retained as long as it is useful. Place the current checklist (Attachment B) at the front of the appropriate binder to serve as a source of reference.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Barbara Ann Farmer Administrator for Regional Management

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To obtain a copy of attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the Office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585. Attachments. A. Canceled GALs B. Current GALs

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No. 11-94
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Consolidation of the Attachments to GAL 4-92 Incorporating GAL 4-92, Changes 1 Through 4


To provide State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) with a consolidation of the Attachments to GAL 4-92 in order to assist SESAs in the administration of the emergency unemployment compensation (EUC) program.


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Purpose: To provide State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) with a consolidation of the Attachments to GAL 4-92 in order to assist SESAs in the administration of the emergency unemployment compensation (EUC) program.

Contact: Questions should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office.

References: GAL 4-92 and GAL 4-92, Changes 1 through 4.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Donald J. Kulick Administrator for Regional Management

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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Sepbember 30, 1994
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Consolidated Version of Attachments A, B, and C to GAL 4-92.

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No. 12-92
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1993 Joint Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Conference.


To transmit a Call for Presentations for the subject conference.


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References. None. Background. As previously announced by the Association for Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP) at its May 1992 Board meeting, the Second National Conference on Migrant/Seasonal Farmworkers will be held May 10-13, 1993, in Denver, Colorado. Based upon the success of the initial joint conference in Buffalo, New York in 1991, leaders in Migrant Health, Migrant Education, Migrant Head Start and Farmworker Employment and Training agreed to stage joint conferences every 2 years as a means of fostering improved coordination and cooperation among all programs and agencies involved with farmworkers and farmworker issues. ETA Involvement. Representatives from the Division of Seasonal Farmworker Programs (DSFP), the U. S. Department of Education's Office of Migrant Education, National Association of Community Health Centers (Migrant Health Division), Housing Assistance Council, Inc., AFOP, and other agencies serve on the Executive Planning Committee (EPC) for the conference. As such, DSFP has agreed to support the purpose and goals of the joint conference, promote, and encourage attendance by Section 402-funded grantees, and coordinate the participation and involvement of other agencies of the U.S. Department of Labor in the conference. Call for Presentations. The EPC has developed the attached Call for Presentations. The DSFP and AFOP invite Section 402 employment and training and housing grantees to formally consider this request for proposal for joint conference presentations that would appeal to all conference participants. Action. Those grantees wishing to respond to the Call for Presentations should submit their proposal(s) and other information on the appropriate attached form in accordance with the instructions in the attachment. The first submission, the Workshop Abstract Form, is due on September 30, 1992. Inquiries. Contact Ms. Bea Fowler, DSFP Federal Representative, at (202) 535-0517. Attachments. Call for Presentations Proposed Workshop Abstract Form.


All Section 402 and Housing Grantees


Charles Kane Paul Mayrand Chief Director Division of Seasonal Farmworker Office of Special Targeted Programs Programs

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June 30, 1993
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ATTACHMENT A C A L L F O R P R E S E N T A T I O N S The 1993 Joint Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Conference will be held May 10-13, 1993, at the Denver Convention Center in Denver, Colorado. The Conference is cosponsored by the Migrant Education, Migrant Health, and farmworker employment and training Federal programs, and will represent the combined annual conferences for these programs. The conference theme is "Joining Forces - A Caring Commitment to Our Nation's Farmworkers." Participants will include administrators, public officials, teachers, early childhood specialists, health care providers, board members, management staff, field staff, MIS staff, fiscal staff, farmworkers, etc. While each program will have its own specific training workshops, a special emphasis will be placed on sessions which represent our common interests. The conference Executive Planning Committee is currently soliciting proposals for presentations that relate to this joint effort and that appeal to all conference participants. As is traditional for each of these programs, we are unable to pay honorariums, transportation expenses, etc., for the presentations. Attached is a Proposed Workshop Abstract Form. If you are interested in giving a workshop, please complete this form and return it no later than September 30, 1992 to: Mr. Charles C. Kane Chief Division of Seasonal Farmworker Programs U. S. Department of Labor Room N-4641 200 Constitution Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20210 We are looking forward to seeing you in Denver in 1993.

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Ben Cross.
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Farmworker Bulletin 90-30.



Instructions for Preparation of the JTPA Annual Summary Program Report (JASPR)


To transmit to States the OMB Approval Number and final format and instructions for the JTPA Annual Summary Program Report (JASPR) (ETA 9047).


Direct program questions to Diane Mayronne at (202) 219-5305. Direct reporting questions to John Marshall at (202) 219-9147, Ext. 136.

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In April 1994, the proposed JASPR format and instructions for completion of this report were provided to the States pending OMB approval. This trans-mittal is to confirm that the attached updated JASPR format and final reporting requirements have OMB approval and that States should implement this report. OMB Approval and Reporting Burden: The JASPR require-ments have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) according to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, as amended. The JASPR has been approved under OMB Approval Number 1205-0200 and the expiration date is July 31, 1997. Reporting Requirements: The initial required submittalof the JASPR for the Title I, Section 123, (8%) program will be for the program year ended June 30, 1994. For PY 1993 ONLY, the JASPR for the 8% program is due in the ETA National Office and Regional Offices by September 30, 1994. (Henceforth, this report for the 8% program will be due in these offices by August 15 for the prior program year.) The initial required submittal of the JASPR for the Title II-B, Summer Youth E & T Program (SYETP), will be for the reporting period October 1, 1993 through September 30,1994. This JASPR will be due in the ETA National Office and Regional Offices by November 15, 1994. The approved format and instructions for completion of the JASPR are attached.


All State JTPA Liaisons


Barbara Ann Farmer Administrator for Regional Management

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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JTPA Annual Summary Program Report (ETA 9047) format and instructions. JTPA ANNUAL SUMMARY PROGRAM REPORT (JASPR) FORMAT INSTRUCTIONS "Title II-B" and "Title I, Section 123 (8%)" ; General Instructions; Facsimile of Form; and Instructions for Completing the JTPA Annual Summary Program Report (JASPR) for Title II-B and Title I, Section 123, (8%) Grants. To obtain a copy of the attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585

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Vinay Sharma
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No. 48-93, Change 1
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Technical Assistance Award Availability to Replicate the Center for Employment Training Model


To transmit a Federal Register Notice announcing the availability of technical assistance through the Center for Employment Training (CET) to develop their JTPA job training model.


Questions on this Notice may be directed to Lisa Stuart on (202) 535-0525.

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Background: From 1982 to 1988, the Rockefeller Foundation provided funding for selected community-based organizations to operate employment-training programs for minority female single parents. The subsequent findings of this project showed that the CET design overwhelmingly provided the most positive impacts. In pursuing the Department of Labor's desire to promote quality programs in the JTPA system, a cooperative agreement has been signed between the Department and CET, to provide training and technical assistance to replicate this model. This agreement provides funding for CET to train up to ten sites to use the CET job training model. Action Required: Governors that have sites in their States will be notified after site selection has been completed. Those States are encouraged to be actively involved in the local replication project, thus enabling States to increase their technical assistance ability with this model.


All State JTPA Liaisons All State Wagner-Peyser Administering Agencies


Roberts T. Jones Assistant Secretary of Labor

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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ATTACHMENT 1: FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE Federal Register/ Vol.57,No.179/Tuesday, September 15, 1992/Notices Job Training Partnership Act Technical Assistance for Job Training Model Replication AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Labor. ACTION: Notice of availability of technical Assistance. SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (DOL) is announcing the availability of technical assistance to Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) service providers. The Center for Employment Training (CET) is being funded to provide such technical assistance to replicate the CET Job Training Model. Up to 10 service providers will receive assistance in developing and implementing the CET Job Training Model for use within the JTPA system. All interested parties must participate in an introductory seminar prior to selection. DATES: Information seminars will be held at CET's headquarters in San Jose, California on October 14 through October 16, and again on October 28 through 30, 1992. All interested service providers MUST: (1) Contact CET to arrange to attend an information seminar if the organization has not previously attended one; (2) by September 30, 1992 if the organization has previously attended an information seminar or within 15 days of their attendance at a seminar, the organization must submit in writing to the Department of Labor at the address below, the organization's intent to apply for this technical assistance award, and (3) by October 15, 1992 for those who have previously attended a CET information seminar or within 30 days from attendance of an information seminar, submit an original and four copies of a brief but thorough application to the Department of Labor at the address below, discussing the criteria as required below. Packages shall be postmarked by the dates established above. ADDRESSES: Notices of intent to attend an information seminar and to apply for this technical assistance award shall be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Lisa Stuart, room N4703, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Stuart Employment and Training Administration Department of Labor, room N4703, 200 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC 20210 The telephone number is (202)535-0525. This is not a toll-free number. Eugene Hernandez CET Replication Project Director Center for Employment Training 701 Vine Street, San Jose, CA 95110 The telephone number is (408)287-7924. This is not a toll-free number. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Center for Employment Training (CET) offers a unique training program which challenges standard notices of training the disadvantaged. It is a holistic approach to train the hardest-to-serve through a concurrent, integrated program of contextual learning. CET focuses on job training, but combines basic education and related services in context with this core training. This method of learning was recently endorsed by The Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. Further, CET's program is unique in that it is accessible to all, with no entry tests or creaming. This represents the direction of the JTPA amendments which stress targeting to those most in need and intensifying and improving the quality of services offered. The CET design, as implemented through this replication, will reflect the key provisions of the new program design such as assessment and individual service strategy. In addition, CET is widely recognized as one of the most effective job training programs in the country. CET's program serving single minority mothers was credited with the most positive outcomes in a comprehensive study funded by the Rockefeller foundation. Technical assistance will be provided to up to 10 sites to replicate the CET job training model. This technical assistance award will provide for the training and technical assistance for local entities which are selected to operate the CET model program. Technical assistance is being provided to develop a CET-model base within the JTPA system that could provide for: a technical assistance capacity within the JTPA system; opportunity to uncover obstacles in implementing CET-model programs under JTPA;and the opportunity to delineate aspects of the model which provide the greatest benefit to JTPA participants. Selected organizations would enter into agreements with the Center for Employment Training to receive the technical assistance required for the development and start-up of the local CET model program. This a non-monetary award. The technical assistance award includes the local and CET on-site training to enable an organization to start its own CET model program. The award covers the cost of CET's services and most traveling that will be required of CET and of the service providers. However, start-up costs, including site development and preliminary staffing, will be the responsibility of the selected service providers. Operation costs of the model program are also not included and are expected to come from the organizations' regular JTPA and other funding. Additional resources may be necessary and may be obtainable from local foundations. CET will assist selected sites in finding additional funding sources, if necessary. This award is to provide services to the JTPA community. Eligible applicants are limited to service delivery area (SDA) administrative entities who run their own training programs, consortiums of service providers, not-for-profit organizations, community based organizations as defined under Section 4 of JTPA and local education organizations. Two types of applications will be accepted: (1) Applications from SDA administrative entities, and (2) joint applications with one party being the SDA administrative entity and the other being an organization listed above. Applications that do not include the local SDA administrative entity will not be accepted. INFORMATION SEMINARS JTPA service providers that are interested in receiving such technical assistance to develop and start operations on their own CET model job training program must, as stated above, contact CET at the number listed above, to arrange attendance at an information seminar. Attendance at the information seminars is restricted to those individuals who have the capacity to make decisions of participation for that organization. Although for the 10 selected organizations, most funds required for future travel to CET's headquarters in San Jose are provided for in the CET and DOL agreement, the initial costs to attend the information seminars are not covered. CET will assist in making these travel arrangements, however, all costs are the responsibility of the individual service providers. APPLICATION PROCESS Selection of service providers will be based upon criteria in three categories: eligibility, competitiveness, and additional factors. In order to be considered, an applicant must meet each of the criteria under the eligibility section. The information received under the competitive issues section will be used to rank applications. After all applications are ranked, the additional factors will be used to select a diverse group of sites. I. Eligibility (1) All entities must be or become JTPA service provides. All providers that are not JTPA administrative entities must jointly submit their applications with the SDA administrative entity. This joint application with the service delivery area administrative entity should show that the service provider is or will be receiving JTPA funds during Program Year 1992, (July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993). The application should elaborate on the relationship between the service provider and the administrative entity. This should include descriptions of previous services, previous and current JTPA funding levels, and discuss the level of cooperation between the provider and the administrative entity. Further, any local procurement procedures that will be required to be met for starting and completing this project should be detailed in the application. (2) All entities must state that they are willing to participate in evaluation studies and to implement the core CET job training model. II. Competitiveness Applications will be judged equally based upon (1) the organization's level of commitment to the replication project, and (2) the apparent capacity of the organization to succeed with the replication. Measures of this commitment include but are not limited to cooperative relationships with the JTPA administrative entity (in those instances where the service provider is not the administrative entity), coordination with the State JTPA organization, coordination with other programs or activities for the JTPA eligible population including Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS), funds available for this project, evidence of research into additional funding sources, ability of the service provider to operate the program in the future and private sector involvement in project. Measures of organizational capacity include but are not limited to the number of clients the service provider intends to serve, the number of occupations for which the service provider intends to train, previous experience, present facilities, and ability to meet JTPA performance standards. III.Additional Factors Other factors may be considered in the selection process to attempt to diversify the group to allow for studying the appropriateness of the model in various settings and providers of various sizes. These factors include: geographic area, service delivery area (SDA) size, urban or rural SDA, intended target population, and service provider's organization size. If the applicant feels that other factors are significant or unique, please discuss these additional areas as appropriate. Two competitions will be held. For those organizations that previously attended an information seminar at CET, three slots will be available to award before the new information seminars take place. This will help expedite the process and better distribute the projects over the period of the agreement. All other organizations who have not previously attended an information seminar will be eligible to apply after attending an information seminar, along with those organizations not providers for these remaining seven slots will be chosen after the last seminar. Questions about this Notice may be directed to Lisa Stuart at the DOL address or number above. Additional information about the CET job training model may be obtained from Eugene Hernandez at the CET address or number above. Signed at Washington. DC this 9th day of September, 1992 Robert T. Jones, Assistant Secretary of Labor (FR Doc. 92-22186 Filed 9-14-92; 8:45 am) Billing Code 4510-30-M

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No. 07-92



Report Entitled, "Reemployment Services: A Review of Their Effectiveness"


To transmit to States a Department of Labor report entitled, Reemployment Services: A Review of Their Effectiveness.


Questions regarding the report may be addressed to your ETA Regional Administrator.

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Background: The unemployment insurance system, designed in a different time for a fundamentally different economy, is premised on the expectation that laid-off workers would return to their former jobs following a periodic downturn in the economy. Today, workers are finding their jobs are directly affected by global competition and changes in technology. Many of these workers do not possess the skills necessary for reemployment in jobs which replace the ones they lost. Dislocated workers looking for reemployment assistance are faced with a complex network of programs and services. Students, workers and the unemployed have a difficult time getting information on the benefits and services that are available, where they can obtain quality training and what they need to know to find good jobs. Hopefully, the attached report, Reemployment Services: A Review of Their Effectiveness will be helpful as we transform current programs and services for the unemployed into an effective reemployment system. Report: The report summarizes the best available evidence on the impact of reemployment services on the reemployment prospects of dislocated workers. Reemployment Services: A Review of Their Effectiveness analyzes dozens of studies, which represent the best and most current research on reemployment strategies for dislocated workers. Such strategies include job search assistance, reemployment bonuses, self-employment assistance programs, and both short-term and long-term training programs. This research indicates that most of these services improve the earnings of workers and save the government money. For example, dislocated workers who receive job search assistance early in their spell of unemployment find new jobs -- and move off the unemployment rolls -- more quickly. In the area of training, the evidence suggests that displaced workers who need new skills would benefit from improved access to long-term training. The report also addresses what does not work in our current approaches to helping the unemployed. For example, reemployment services -- though cost-effective -- have not been the focus of the unemployment insurance system, which was designed to provide income support to the jobless. Furthermore, because current services for dislocated workers are often provided through a fragmented and confusing array of categorically-based programs, many dislocated workers do not qualify for assistance. Finally, the report discusses how conclusions from this research formed the basis of the proposed Reemployment Act of 1994. The legislative proposal incorporated the successful reemployment strategies identified in the research; also addressed the major problems identified in the research, by consolidating reemployment programs, increasing access to services, and providing better labor market information to jobseekers. The report also provides important lessons States and localities can use to improve strategies to help dislocated workers. Action: State Liaisons and SESA Administrators are requested to make the report available to appropriate State staff, Service Delivery Areas, Substate Areas, and Employment Service and Unemployment Insurance local offices. Sufficient copies are being mailed to you under separate cover.


All State JTPA Liaisons All State Employment Security Administrators All State Worker Adjustment Liaisons


Barbara Ann Farmer Administrator for Regional Management

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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Report, Reemployment Services: A Review of Their Effectiveness To obtain a copy of the attachement(s) please contact Ms. Deloris Noris of the Office of Reional Management at (202) 219-5585

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Leoanrd Pesheck
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No. 02-94
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Beyond the School Doors: The Literacy Needs of Job Seekers Served by the U.S. Department of Labor


To notify the States of the availability of the report, Beyond the School Doors: The Literacy Needs of Job Seekers Served by the U.S. Department of Labor. The document is the final report of a research study conducted for the Employment and Training Adm


Direct inquiries to Aida Hilliard, (202) 535-0664, or to the appropriate ETA Regional Administrator.

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Background: The report is the first to provide a literacy profile of clients served by the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and Employment Service (ES)/Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs. Findings were obtained from a survey of nearly 6,000 adult participants in DOL-administered programs. Among the major findings: -- Some 40 to 50 percent of people applying for JTPA services and roughly 40 percent of people seeking assistance from ES or UI programs demonstrate very low literacy skills. These percentages include a substantial number of persons who reported having earned a high school degree. -- Persons who demonstrate higher levels of literacy skills tend to avoid long periods of unemployment, earn higher wages, and work in higher level occupations than those who demonstrate lower literacy skills. -- Some 60 to 65 percent of those surveyed believe they could get a better job if their reading or writing skills were improved through additional education or training, and roughly 70 to 80 percent report that their job opportunities would improve with increased skills in mathematics. -- As with other data bases, Black and Hispanic DOL clients are disproportionately represented at the low and high levels on the literacy scales when compared with White DOL clients. Use of the Publication: This timely and significant report adds to our understanding of the literacy problems facing the Nation's job seekers. Findings also support the Job Training Reform Amendments of 1992, which provide for more intensive and individualized service strategies. Action Required: Ensure that copies are distributed promptly to SDAs and EDWAA sub-State areas, and to local ES and UI offices. Distribution: Initial shipment of copies is being sent under separate cover for appropriate distribution. Additional copies may be obtained by calling Aida Hilliard, (202) 535-0664.


All State JTPA Liaisons All State Employment Security Agencies All State Worker Adjustment Liaisons


Roberts T. Jones Assistant Secretary of Labor

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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Beyond the School Doors: The Literacy Needs of Job Seekers Served by the U.S. Department of Labor To obtain a copy of attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the Office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585.

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David S. Dickerson
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No. 09-92



Eligibility Under Title III of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) for Members of the Armed Forces Discharged or Released from Active Duty


To clarify eligibility under Title III of JTPA for individuals where members of the armed forces who have been discharged or released from active duty.


Please refer inquiries to Mr. Robert N. Colombo, Director, Office of Worker Retraining and Adjustment Programs, at (202) 535-0577.

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References: Section 301(a) of the Act; 631.3 of the JTPA Regulations (20 CFR 631.3) published September 22, 1989; Section 1141 of 10 U.S.C. Chapter 58, as amended by the Defense Authorization Act of 1990. Background: Typically, individuals who were discharged or released from active duty with the armed forces were unlike the traditional "dislocated workers" to be served by Title III. For most who left prior to retirement, the limited period of active duty in the armed forces was an expected step in a career path. With the advent of the volunteer army, many individuals who enlisted did so with the intent of making military service a career. With the reductions in Department of Defense expenditures which are now occurring, a number of these "employees" find themselves involuntarily separated from their chosen career. Reasonable questions, raised by several States, are whether members of the armed forces discharged or released from active duty are eligible for Title III, including the Defense Conversion Adjustment Program, and on what basis the eligibility of these individuals should be determined. Section 502 of the Defense Authorization Act of 1990 includes a definition of "involuntary separation," and authorizes benefits and services from the Department of Defense for members of the armed forces who are faced with involuntary separation. The definition of "involuntary separation" from active duty with the armed forces, now found at Section 1141 of 10 U.S.C. Chapter 58, as amended, is provided here: A member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps shall be considered to be involuntarily separated for purposes of this chapter if the member was on active duty or full-time National Guard duty on September 30, 1990, and (1) in the case of a regular officer (other than a retired officer), the officer is involuntarily discharged under other than adverse conditions as characterized by the Secretary concerned; (2) in the case of a reserve officer who is on the active duty list or, if not on the active duty list, is on full-time active duty (or in the case of a member of the National Guard, full-time National Guard duty) for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the reserve components, the officer is involuntarily discharged or released from active duty or full-time National Guard duty (other than a release from active duty or fulltime National Guard duty incident to a transfer to retired Status) under other than adverse conditions, as characterized by the Secretary concerned; (3) in the case of a regular enlisted member serving on active duty, the member is (A) denied reenlistment, or (B) involuntarily discharged under other than adverse conditions, as characterized by the Secretary concerned- and (4) in the case of a reserve enlisted member who is on full-time active duty (or in the case of a member of the National Guard, full-time National Guard duty) for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the reserve components, the member (A) is denied reenlistment, or (B) is involuntarily discharged or released from active duty (or full-time National Guard) under other than adverse conditions, as characterized by the Secretary concerned. Discussion: Included in the definition of "eligible dislocated workers" for Title III are individuals who are terminated or laid off; eligible for unemployment compensation; and unlikely to return to their previous industry or occupation (Section 301(a)(1)(A) of the Act). Following is a discussion of the three parts of this definition as they relate to individuals separated from active duty with the armed forces. Terminated or laid off. Although the provisions of 10 U.S.C. Chapter 58, Section 1141 are not directly applicable to JTPA, the determinations made under these provisions may be relevant when considering the eligibility criteria established at JTPA Section 301(a)(1). Eligible for unemployment compensation. Former members of the armed forces may be eligible for unemployment compensation for ex-service members (UCX). UCX may be considered as a form of unemployment compensation for the purpose of determining eligibility under Title III. However, not all individuals eligible for UCX will meet the "terminated or laid off" criterion discussed above. Unlikely to return to their previous industry or occupation. The Department expects that grantees will be able to follow existing procedures in determining whether a former member of the armed forces is unlikely to return to her or his previous industry or occupation. In summary, the Employment and Training Administration considers that individuals who have been involuntarily separated, as defined in 10 U.S.C. Chapter 58, including those who accept an inducement to leave the military, and are otherwise eligible, are eligible to participate in programs funded under Title III of JTPA. The State or the sub state grantee remains responsible for determination of eligibility under reasonable safeguards (Section 141(i)). Individuals who are separated from the armed forces are not necessarily "involuntarily separated." For example, the definition does not apply to individuals who have been involuntarily discharged under adverse conditions. Also, individuals who voluntarily leave the armed forces, including those who retire with or without an inducement, do not fall within the meaning of the term "involuntarily separated." States and sub state grantees may wish to consult with local veterans' employment representatives (LVERs) or other specialists to identify the documents and/or mechanisms that can be used to make an accurate eligibility determination. Additional information regarding adverse conditions is being prepared by the Department of Defense and will be shared once it becomes available. However, individuals involuntarily separated from active duty through honorable discharges are eligible. Since Title III is not an entitlement, program managers should ensure that retraining services are limited to those eligible dislocated workers who can most benefit from and are in need of such services, as required under Section 141(a) of the Act, and 631.41(d) and 631.51(d) of the regulations. In the case of members of the armed forces who have been recently separated from active duty, this might include those without marketable civilian skills. States are encouraged to develop procedures to determine "most in need" for Title III. Attached for your information is a copy of a document issued by the Assistant Secretary of Defense concerning transition services provided by the Department of Defense. Action: State and sub state grantee policy makers should review existing policies regarding eligibility under Title III in light of this policy clarification.


ETA Regional Staff


Roberts T. Jones Assistant Secretary of Labor

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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Assistant Secretary of Defense memorandum dated June 7, 1991. To obtain a copy of attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the Office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585.

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Sue Wright
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Legacy WIOA1
No. 1-92



Defense Conversion Adjustment Program (DCAP) and Clean Air Employment Transition Assistance Program (CAETA) Reporting Instructions


To transmit to States instructions for the preparation of the Dislocated Worker Special Project Report (DWSPR).


Direct questions to John Marshall at 202-535-0147.

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Background: In 1990, Congress authorized two programs to assist specific groups of dislocated workers. The Defense Conversion Adjustment Program (DCAP) provides assistance to workers dislocated by defense cutbacks. The Clean Air Employment Transition Assistance (CAETA) Program provides assistance to workers dislocated as a result of compliance with the provisions of the Clean Air Act. Both programs are discretionary programs. Eligible grantees include States, Title III sub state grantees, employers, employer associations, and representatives of employees. A new reporting form was needed for these programs because discrete projects needed to be tracked. The Dislocated Worker Special Project Report (DWSPR) consists of two sections. Section I is submitted quarterly, and provides financial and some participant data. Section II is submitted at the end of each program year and at project completion. It contains items on participant characteristics, program outcomes, and program activity. Most of the data items are similar to those used in the Worker Adjustment Annual Program Report (WAPR) and the Worker Adjustment Quarterly Financial Report (WQFR) used for Title III programs under JTPA. OMB Approval and Combined Reporting Burden: The reporting requirements are approved by the Office of Management and Budget according to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 under OMB approval no. 1205-0318 to expire February 28, 1993. Action Required: State JTPA or Worker Adjustment Liaisons are requested to distribute the attached instruction to all officials within the State who need such information to implement the new reporting requirements. The Liaisons are also requested to assist DCAP and CAETA grantees within their States that are not familiar with Title III reporting (such as employers, employer associations) with any questions they may have.


All State JTPA Liaisons All State Employment Security Agencies All State Worker Adjustment Liaisons


Roberts T. Jones Assistant Secretary of Labor

This advisory is a checklist
This advisory is a change to an existing advisory
Legacy DOCN

Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

Legacy Expiration Date
Text Above Attachments

Dislocated Worker Special Project Report format and instructions. To obtain a copy of attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the Office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585.

Legacy Date Entered
Legacy Entered By
David S. Dickerson
Legacy Comments
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Legacy WIOA
Legacy WIOA1
No. 08-92
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