Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires that every federal agency, component or program establish a public “electronic reading room” where information may be provided to the public which: the agency determines has become or is likely to become the subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same records; or contain records which have already been disclosed, through previous FOIA requests, to more than 2 requestors and will likely be requested again in the future; or the agency believes that the proactive disclosure of the records will provide public benefit.

Please note that this page may be modified over time and none of the records contained are guaranteed to be permanently available on this or subsequent pages.

If the information you are seeking is not available through this Public Reading Room, you may submit a FOIA request by following the directions available at: https://www.dol.gov/general/foia

Current Public Reading Room Records Include: