Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)

This page contains resources to assist you with various components of the program. Below you will find links that provide program benefits and eligibility information, instructions on how to file a claim, and access to your claim status. The Energy Document Portal link provides guidance on how to submit documentation in support of your claim. In the Medical Bill Portal section, you will find medical forms along with instructions on how to complete the forms. The File a Home Health Care Claim link gives you the ability to retrieve Form EE-17A, which allows you to request home health care. The Impairment and Wage Loss links provide pertinent information regarding filing claims specific to those topics. Finally, the Forms link will direct you to the most commonly used forms in the program.

The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program provides benefits authorized by the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). Part B of the Program went into effect on July 31, 2001, and Part E of the Program went into effect on October 28, 2004. The Department of Labor's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs is responsible for adjudicating and administering claims filed by employees or former employees or certain qualified survivors.

Part B Eligibility

  • Employees of the Department of Energy (DOE), its contractors or subcontractors who worked at a covered DOE facility during a covered time period
  • Employees of atomic weapons employers
  • Employees of beryllium vendors
  • Uranium workers previously awarded benefits by the Department of Justice under Section 5 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) for the same covered illness

Conditions Eligible for Compensation

  • Radiogenic cancer
  • Chronic Beryllium Disease
  • Beryllium Sensitivity
  • chronic silicosis

Under Part B, compensation includes a lump sum amount of $150,000 and payment of medical expenses from the date a claim is filed. If the employee is no longer living, the lump sum is payable to eligible survivors. Compensation is payable to eligible survivors in the following order: spouse, children, parents, grandchildren, and grandparents of the deceased covered employee.

Compensation of $50,000 and payment of medical expenses from the date a claim is filed is available for uranium workers (or their survivors) previously awarded benefits by the Department of Justice under Section 5 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act.

Employees of the Department of Energy, its contractors and subcontractors who were exposed to beryllium on the job and now have beryllium sensitivity will receive medical monitoring to check for Chronic Beryllium Disease.

Part B Lump-Sum Compensation Journey Map – The journey map is a visualization of the 'typical' stages that a claimant undergoes while their Part B claim is adjudicated.

Part E Eligibility

  • Employees (or their survivors) who worked for a DOE contractor or subcontractor during a covered time period at a covered DOE facility
  • Uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters as defined by RECA Section 5, or their survivors.

Eligible survivors include:

  • A spouse who was married to the employee for at least one year prior to his/her death. If there is no surviving spouse, then compensation may be awarded to a covered child if, at the time of the employee's death, the child was:
    • Under the age of 18
    • Under the age of 23 years and a full-time student continuously enrolled in an educational institution, or
    • incapable of self-support

Conditions Eligible for Compensation

Under Part E, benefits are provided for any illness if it can be determined that it was “at least as likely as not” that occupational exposure to a toxic substance was a significant factor in causing, contributing to, or aggravating the illness or death of an employee. Compensation under Part E is awarded for Wage Loss, Impairment and medical benefits.

Under Part E variable compensation up to $250,000 is determined based on wage loss, impairment, and survivorship.

Part E Impairment and/or Wage Loss Journey Map – The journey map is a visualization of the 'typical' stages that a claimant undergoes when filing for impairment or wage loss under Part E.