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Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)

Contacting Your Federal Employees Program Offices

If you were injured on the job while employed by a private company or state/local government, contact your state workers' compensation board.

Case Related Inquiries/Correspondence:

  • Respond to an OWCP Letter Electronically: Create an account in our ECOMP system, track your case and respond electronically through your Claimant Dashboard.
  • Access the Latest Information about Your Case: Create an account in our ECOMP system, click on your case and learn the status of your medical bills, pharmacy requests, disability claim, and much more using your Claimant Dashboard.
  • Submit documents electronically to start an Inquiry/Request: Upload your written inquiry through the ECOMP Upload Documents to Case page for same day receipt by OWCP and the ability to track its status. 
  • General Telephone Inquiries: (202) 513-6860 (Monday-Friday, 9:30am to 6:30pm, ET)
  • Telephone Inquiries for Hearings & Reviews: (202) 693-0045 (Monday-Friday, 9:30am to 6:30pm, ET);
  • Congressional Inquiries: Congressional offices may reach the Federal Employees Program using:
    Email: ociacongressionalnotification@dol.gov
    Phone: For Congressional Offices Only (202) 513-6838 (Monday-Friday, 9:30am to 6:30pm, ET)
  • Accommodation Telephone Inquiries: (202) 513-6802 (Monday-Friday, 9:30am to 6:30pm, ET. Dedicated line for individuals with hearing impairments)
  • Written Inquiries:
    U.S. Department of Labor
    OWCP/Federal Employees Program
    P.O. Box 8311, London, KY 40742-8311

Medical Bill Related Inquiries/Submissions:

Helpful Information and Links:

Program Office Directors