Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)
Program Procedures
- Administration (OWCP Part 1) — Discusses the requirements of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act as they apply to claims under the jurisdiction of the OWCP. It also addresses how OWCP directives are issued.
- Vocational Rehabilitation (OWCP Part 3) — Discusses the vocational rehabilitation services available under the FECA and how these services are provided.
- Planning and Evaluation (OWCP Part 4) — Discusses the OWCP's operational plans and reviews of district office performance.
- Chapter 4-300 (Accountability Reviews) — Revised July 2010
- Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act — Chapter 1-0400 (FOIA and Privacy Act) of the OWCP Procedure Manual. This chapter contains the provisions of the Privacy Act and FOIA and addresses the responsibilities of staff in ensuring rights granted under these acts.
The following bulletins, circulars, and transmittals contain the text of all directives issued by the OWCP during the fiscal year, and lists them numerically.