< Schedule 5


Report details of all fixed assets, such as land, buildings, automobiles and other vehicles, and office furniture and equipment owned by the labor organization at the end of the reporting period. Land and buildings must be itemized, whereas automobiles and other vehicles, and office furniture and equipment should be aggregated. Include fixed assets that were expensed (that is, the cost of the asset was charged to current expenses, rather than entered on the books and periodically depreciated), fully depreciated, or carried on the labor organization's books at scrap value or other nominal value.

Column (A): Enter under “Line A. Land (give location)” the location of any land and under “Line B. Buildings (give location)” the location of any buildings owned by the labor organization.

If additional lines are needed, click the “Add More Land Assets” button on Line A or the “Add More Building Assets” button on Line B, as applicable. The software will add lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Column (B): Enter the cost or other basis of the fixed assets listed in Column (A).

Column (C): Enter the accumulated depreciation, if any, of the fixed assets (except land) listed in Column (A) whose cost or other basis is reported in Column (B). If the labor organization "expenses" fixed assets, also include in Column (C) the amount that the labor organization charged to expenses when the assets were purchased.

Column (D): Enter the amount at which the fixed assets listed in Column (A) are carried on the labor organization's books. Include the nominal amount, if any, at which fully depreciated assets are carried on the labor organization's books. The amount reported in Column (D) should be the difference between Columns (B) and (C).

Column (E): Enter the fair market value of land and of all assets listed in Column (A) that were expensed, fully depreciated, or depreciated to scrap value or nominal value. It is not necessary to secure a formal appraisal of the assets; a good faith estimate is sufficient. The value used for insurance purposes or for tax appraisals, for example, will normally be acceptable as representing the fair market value.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the totals of Columns (B) through (E) on Line F, and the total on Line F, Column (D) in Item 27 (Fixed Assets), Column (B) of Statement A.

Last Updated: 12/09/10