< Schedule 6


Report details of all the labor organization's assets at the end of the reporting period other than Item 22 (Cash), Item 23 (Accounts Receivable), Item 24 (Loans Receivable), Item 25 (U.S. Treasury Securities), Item 26 (Investments), and Item 27 (Fixed Assets).

The labor organization's other assets must be described in Column (A) and may be classified by general groupings or bookkeeping categories, such as utility deposits, inventory of supplies for resale, or travel advances that are not required to be reported as loans as explained in the instructions for Schedule 2 (Loans Receivable), if the description is sufficient to identify the type of assets. Enter in Column (B) the value as shown on the labor organization's books of each asset or group of assets described in Column (A).

NOTE: If your organization has a subsidiary organization for which a separate report is being submitted in accordance with Section X of these instructions, the value of the subsidiary organization as shown on your organization’s books must be reported in Schedule 7 if it is of a non-investment nature. Enter in Column (A) the name of any such subsidiary organization. Enter in Column (B) the value as shown on your organization’s books of the net assets of any such subsidiary organization.

If additional lines are needed, click the “Add More Other Assets” button at the top of the schedule. The software will add lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the Total Other Assets in Column (B) of Schedule 7 and in Item 28 (Other Assets), Column (B) of Statement A.

Last Updated: 12/09/10