< Schedule 4


Report details of all the labor organization’s investments at the end of the reporting period, other than U.S. Treasury securities. Include mortgages purchased on a block basis and investments in any subsidiary organization not reported on a consolidated basis in accordance with method (1) explained in Section X of these instructions. Do not include savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or money market accounts, which must be reported in Item 22 (Cash) of Statement A.

Line A: Enter in Column (B) the total cost of all the labor organization's marketable securities including transaction costs such as brokerage commissions. Marketable securities are those for which current market values can be obtained from published reports of transactions in listed securities or in securities traded "over the counter," such as corporate stocks and bonds, stock and bond mutual funds, state and municipal bonds, and foreign government securities.

Line B: Enter in Column (B) the total book value of all the labor organization's marketable securities. Book value is the lower of cost or market value.

Line C: List in Column (A) each Marketable Security that has a book value over $5,000 and exceeds 5% of the total book value entered in Line B, Column (B) above and enter its book value in Column (B).

If additional lines are needed to complete Line C, click the “Add More Marketable Securities” button in the schedule. The software will add lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Line D: Enter in Column (B) the total cost, including any transaction costs, of all the labor organization's other investments (that is, those that are not U.S. Treasury securities or marketable securities). Include mortgages purchased on a block basis.

Line E: Enter in Column (B) the total book value of such other investments. Book value is the lower of cost or market value.

Line F: List in Line F, Column (A) each Other Investment that has a book value over $5,000 and exceeds 5% of the total book value entered in Line (E), Column (B) above and enter its book value in Column (B).

If additional lines are needed to complete Line F, click the “Add More Marketable Securities” button in the schedule. The software adds lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

NOTE: If your organization has a subsidiary organization for which a separate report is being submitted in accordance with Section X of these instructions, the subsidiary organization must be reported in Schedule 5 if it is an investment.  Enter in Line F the name of each subsidiary organization in Column (A) and its book value in Column (B).

If additional lines are required, click the Add More Other Investments button on the top of the schedule. The software adds lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Line G: Click the “Calculate and Save” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the total of Lines B and E on Line G and in Item 26 (Investments), Column (B) of Statement A.



Last Updated: 8-21-12