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Helping Workers with Disabilities Get Ahead Through Good Jobs: A Toolkit of Practical Strategies

The Biden-Harris Administration's Investing in America agenda generates millions of jobs in high-growth sectors, especially in clean energy, construction and manufacturing. These good jobs demand a strong workforce that is well-trained and prepared—a workforce that should include workers with disabilities.

stock photo of a female industrial worker.To help employers in these and other in-demand industries recruit, hire, retain and advance disabled workers, the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) developed a comprehensive new resource: Helping Workers with Disabilities Get Ahead Through Good Jobs: A Toolkit of Practical Strategies.

This new toolkit provides actionable strategies and best practices for businesses to bring disabled workers into their workforce and ensure their success on the job, as well as examples of businesses who have had success in becoming disability inclusive. Though the toolkit is geared toward the clean energy, construction and manufacturing industries, it can benefit public and private organizations across a wide range of sectors and sizes. It also addresses specific considerations for federal contractors.

ODEP is releasing the toolkit to coincide with DOL's "Good Jobs Summer," during which DOL leadership is traveling across the country to talk with employers and workers about good jobs, how to increase access to them and how to ensure that all workers are treated fairly, respected and empowered on the job.

We know that employers play a critical role in building equitable pathways to good jobs—for the benefit of both employees and employers. Providing good jobs offers businesses a competitive advantage in attracting and keeping talent. A key retention strategy for an organization is to foster supportive, inclusive workplaces with opportunities for growth and advancement—and ODEP's toolkit Helping Workers with Disabilities Get Ahead Through Good Jobs provides a roadmap for success.