Employment Service Providers

Welcome to the Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Transformation Hub page for employment service providers. Historically, many service providers offered segregated employment services. Today they are transforming into agencies that develop jobs and support disabled people in CIE. This page includes resources on a range of topics related to CIE in the context of youth and employment service provision.

This section contains various resources and tools for provider organizations interested in transforming their service delivery models to have an Employment First approach and increase competitive integrated employment (CIE) opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Provider Transformation 1.0 Manual and Webinar Series – This manual guides provider organizations interested in transforming their service delivery models to have an Employment First approach. It features eight modules and corresponding webinars. It was developed by the ODEP-funded Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP).

Provider Transformation 2.0 Manual and Webinar Series – Developed by EFSLMP, this manual is for providers who have moved past the beginning stages of transformation and want more advanced knowledge and strategies to help tackle transformation issues they have encountered along the way.

Provider Transformation from a Rural Perspective(link is external) – This Employment First Community of Practice (CoP) webinar presented by Dwayne Webb, director of employment and day services at St. Johns Community Services, in Tennessee, covers topics such as staffing ratios, family buy-in, funding and transportation.

Turning the Queen Mary: Service Transformation in a Large Agency(link is external) – This Employment First CoP webinar, presented by Sarah Murphey and Kurt Smith, explains the complexities that service providers experience while transforming into a person-centered, community-based service model.

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Advancing Employment(link is external) – This center conducts research, training and outreach activities that promote employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Areas of focus include:

  • Choosing work: effective knowledge translation and support for individuals and families;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of employment consultants;
  • Building capacity and supporting organizational transformation for community rehabilitation providers; and
  • Policies and practices of high-performing state employment systems.

Using Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to Assist Job Seekers and Workers with Mental Health Conditions – This LEAD Center webinar introduces the IPS model of supported employment, explores the role of the workforce system in its implementation and illustrates its benefits to workforce programs, job seekers, workers and employers.