ODEP Alliance Logo outh Transitions Collaborative - Because the future needs everyone Got Transition - The Center for Health Care Transition Improvement


Front Row (L to R) Margaret McManus, Assistant Secretary Kathy Martinez, and Jessie Mackinnon. Back Row (L to R) Nathan Cunningham, Daniel  Beck, Marie Mann, Carol Dunlap, Laura Ibañez, Ryan Easterly, Taryn Williams, Frances Vhay, Eva Folwer, and Maria Town.

Front Row (L to R) Margaret McManus, Assistant Secretary Kathy Martinez, and Jessie Mackinnon. Back Row (L to R) Nathan Cunningham, Daniel Beck, Marie Mann, Carol Dunlap, Laura Ibañez, Ryan Easterly, Taryn Williams, Frances Vhay, Eva Folwer, and Maria Town.

(L-R) Margaret McManus, President, The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health Kathy Martinez, Assistant Secretary, USDOL Office of Disability Employment Policy Jessie MacKinnon, Vice President, Program and Partnership, The HSC Foundation and COO, National Youth Transitions Center.

(L-R) Margaret McManus, President, The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health Kathy Martinez, Assistant Secretary, USDOL Office of Disability Employment Policy Jessie MacKinnon, Vice President, Program and Partnership, The HSC Foundation and COO, National Youth Transitions Center.

The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), the Youth Transitions Collaborative (the Collaborative), and The Center for Health Care Transition Improvement (Got Transition) recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to promote the employment of youth and young veterans with disabilities, including those who have chronic health conditions. ODEP, the Collaborative, and Got Transition hereby form an Alliance to provide the Collaborative's members and other stakeholders with information, technical assistance, and access to resources that will help build the capacity of regional and national organizations to empower youth and young veterans with disabilities to create a self-directed path to integrated employment and optimal health and well-being.

Alliance Activities

ODEP, the Collaborative, and Got Transition will work together to achieve the following goal and objectives:

Goal: Demonstrate the linkages between the health-care transition and employment transition fields.


  • Leverage Alliance members' networks and websites to disseminate career planning and health-care transition resources.
  • Identify and develop resources regarding the interdependence between health and well-being, career exploration, and employment.
  • Increase education and outreach opportunities to engage health-care providers and other youth-service professionals, youth, and families in health-care and employment transition planning.

About the Alliance Partners

The HSC Foundation's Youth Transitions Collaborative

The Youth Transitions Collaborative is a community of more than 45 organizations that share a common mission: to empower youth and young people with disabilities as they enter adulthood and the world of work. Members share the belief that these young people have the ability to succeed, if only they are given the opportunity.

Each of the Collaborative members has a history of sustained commitment to young people with disabilities, and a clear track record of success. As effective as they have been individually, the members realize that they can multiply their impact by sharing expertise and resources with like-minded organizations.

The Center for Health Care Transition Improvement

The Center for Health Care Transition Improvement is dedicated to improving health care transition supports for youth moving into the adult health care system, offers education, resources, tools, and state policy advocacy for youth, families, providers and states. http://www.gottransition.org

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