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Portfolio Study Deliverable

1 to 5 of 5 results
Release Date: April 08, 2024
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Employment in the construction industry continues to grow as legislation, such as the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act1 (IJA), and overall economic trends create increased demand for construction workers (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2023). This anticipated growth and ongoing expansion of the construction industry may serve as an opportunity to build a more representative and equitable construction workforce.

Release Date: April 08, 2024
Deliverable deliverable icon
Release Date: April 08, 2024
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This brief, produced under the Apprenticeship Evidence-Building and Administrative Data Research and Analysis portfolios of studies, examines the participation of women and people of color (i.e., people who are not white) in construction apprenticeships to understand whether the underrepresentation of these groups in construction is reproduced in the apprenticeship system.

Release Date: April 08, 2024
Deliverable deliverable icon

This brief, produced under the Apprenticeship Evidence-Building and Administrative Data Research and Analysis portfolios of studies, examines how the rates of utilization for women and people of color differ between onsite construction (i.e., boilermakers, brickmasons, blockmasons, stonemasons, carpenters, carpet installers, etc.), and similar occupations (i.e., forest and conservation technicians, landscaping and groundskeeping work

Release Date: January 15, 2023
Study study icon

In 2023 the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and funded contractors Insight Policy Research and Urban Institute to conduct a series of analyses presented in Building an Equitable Construction Workforce: Understanding and Increasing the Proportion of Women and People of Color in Construction under the Administrative Data Research and Analysis and