Our international grants support projects to combat some of the most abusive labor practices, including the use of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking in global supply chains. ILAB-funded projects also promote trade partners’ compliance with the labor requirements of U.S. trade agreements and preference programs – helping to ensure a fair global playing field for workers in the United States and around the world.
CLIMB12/15/2017 - 05/31/2021 The Child Labor Improvements in Bangladesh (CLIMB) project built the capacity of civil society to more effectively detect and combat forced child labor and other labor abuses in the dried fish sector in Bangladesh. It leveraged partnerships with academic and community-based organizations to build a grassroots movement, empower vulnerable families, connect survivors to services and reduce the risk that children would be forced into this harmful work. |
Winrock International |
Promoting Better Understanding of Indicators to Address Forced Labor and Labor Trafficking in Peru12/08/2017 - 12/30/2022 This project supports the Peruvian government and other labor stakeholders to build their capacity to prevent, detect, and eliminate forced labor and labor trafficking from workplaces in Peru. By bringing together the Ministry of Labor, regional and local governments, law enforcement officials, and the judiciary branch, the project aims to encourage better enforcement through consultation and consensus building. |
Capital Humano y Social Alternativo (CHS) |
SAFE Seas12/01/2017 - 11/30/2022 The SAFE Seas project works to counter forced labor and human trafficking on fishing vessels in Indonesia and the Philippines. The project works to strengthen government enforcement capacity and deepen engagement among fishers, the private sector and civil society. As a result, SAFE Seas helps to promote supply chains free of exploitative labor and a fair playing field for workers in the U.S. and around the world. |
Plan International |
Measurement, Awareness-Raising, and Policy Engagement (MAP 16) Project on Child Labor and Forced Labor12/09/2016 - 06/30/2024 The United States supports the goal of bringing meaningful change to the lives of the 152 million child laborers and the 25 million adults and children in forced labor around the world by eradicating child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Project to Promote Workplace-Based Training for Vulnerable Youth in Argentina11/09/2016 - 04/30/2023 Project Noemi is helped bridge the skills gap in Argentina by increasing the number and quality of on-the-job training programs, such as internships and apprenticeships, while ensuring these opportunities are accessible to the youth who need them the most. The project supported improvements in the legal and policy framework surrounding youth training, raising awareness about the benefits of work-based training, documenting and disseminating good apprenticeship practices in Argentina, and helping both public and private sector youth training programs to increase their effectiveness. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
Supporting Sustainable and Child Labor Free Vanilla-Growing Communities in SAVA (SAVABE)11/01/2016 - 08/31/2020 The SAVABE project will aim to reduce child labor in the production of vanilla in the Sava region of Madagascar. The project will assist the vanilla industry to eliminate child labor in Madagascar’s vanilla supply chain and will build the capacity of Madagascar’s law enforcement to enforce child labor laws. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Improving Labor Laws and Labor Administration within the New Industrial Relations Framework (NIRF)10/01/2016 - 04/30/2026 |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Better Utilization of Skills for Youth (BUSY) through Quality Apprenticeships09/30/2016 - 12/30/2021 The Better Utilization of Skills for Youth (BUSY) project works to build the capacity of government, employers, workers’ organizations, and civil society actors to establish and expand workplace-based training programs for vulnerable youth, including by identifying gaps in relevant laws and policies. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Youth Pathways to Leadership, Learning, and Livelihoods in Costa Rica09/30/2016 - 11/30/2022 The project is helping bridge the skills gap in Costa Rica by increasing the number and quality of on-the-job training programs, such as internships and apprenticeships, while ensuring these opportunities are accessible to the youth who need them the most. |
YouthBuild International |
M&E Toolkit: OCFT Sectors & Themes09/01/2016 - 08/31/2018 The project will help enhance the sustainability of child labor and forced labor program efforts by contributing to the overall body of knowledge on how best to assess child labor and forced labor interventions. |
JBS International |
CLIMB12/15/2017 - 05/31/2021 The Child Labor Improvements in Bangladesh (CLIMB) project built the capacity of civil society to more effectively detect and combat forced child labor and other labor abuses in the dried fish sector in Bangladesh. It leveraged partnerships with academic and community-based organizations to build a grassroots movement, empower vulnerable families, connect survivors to services and reduce the risk that children would be forced into this harmful work. |
Winrock International |
Promoting Better Understanding of Indicators to Address Forced Labor and Labor Trafficking in Peru12/08/2017 - 12/30/2022 This project supports the Peruvian government and other labor stakeholders to build their capacity to prevent, detect, and eliminate forced labor and labor trafficking from workplaces in Peru. By bringing together the Ministry of Labor, regional and local governments, law enforcement officials, and the judiciary branch, the project aims to encourage better enforcement through consultation and consensus building. |
Capital Humano y Social Alternativo (CHS) |
SAFE Seas12/01/2017 - 11/30/2022 The SAFE Seas project works to counter forced labor and human trafficking on fishing vessels in Indonesia and the Philippines. The project works to strengthen government enforcement capacity and deepen engagement among fishers, the private sector and civil society. As a result, SAFE Seas helps to promote supply chains free of exploitative labor and a fair playing field for workers in the U.S. and around the world. |
Plan International |
Measurement, Awareness-Raising, and Policy Engagement (MAP 16) Project on Child Labor and Forced Labor12/09/2016 - 06/30/2024 The United States supports the goal of bringing meaningful change to the lives of the 152 million child laborers and the 25 million adults and children in forced labor around the world by eradicating child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Project to Promote Workplace-Based Training for Vulnerable Youth in Argentina11/09/2016 - 04/30/2023 Project Noemi is helped bridge the skills gap in Argentina by increasing the number and quality of on-the-job training programs, such as internships and apprenticeships, while ensuring these opportunities are accessible to the youth who need them the most. The project supported improvements in the legal and policy framework surrounding youth training, raising awareness about the benefits of work-based training, documenting and disseminating good apprenticeship practices in Argentina, and helping both public and private sector youth training programs to increase their effectiveness. |
Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) |
Supporting Sustainable and Child Labor Free Vanilla-Growing Communities in SAVA (SAVABE)11/01/2016 - 08/31/2020 The SAVABE project will aim to reduce child labor in the production of vanilla in the Sava region of Madagascar. The project will assist the vanilla industry to eliminate child labor in Madagascar’s vanilla supply chain and will build the capacity of Madagascar’s law enforcement to enforce child labor laws. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Improving Labor Laws and Labor Administration within the New Industrial Relations Framework (NIRF)10/01/2016 - 04/30/2026 |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Better Utilization of Skills for Youth (BUSY) through Quality Apprenticeships09/30/2016 - 12/30/2021 The Better Utilization of Skills for Youth (BUSY) project works to build the capacity of government, employers, workers’ organizations, and civil society actors to establish and expand workplace-based training programs for vulnerable youth, including by identifying gaps in relevant laws and policies. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Youth Pathways to Leadership, Learning, and Livelihoods in Costa Rica09/30/2016 - 11/30/2022 The project is helping bridge the skills gap in Costa Rica by increasing the number and quality of on-the-job training programs, such as internships and apprenticeships, while ensuring these opportunities are accessible to the youth who need them the most. |
YouthBuild International |
M&E Toolkit: OCFT Sectors & Themes09/01/2016 - 08/31/2018 The project will help enhance the sustainability of child labor and forced labor program efforts by contributing to the overall body of knowledge on how best to assess child labor and forced labor interventions. |
JBS International |