ILAB-funded technical assistance projects produce a large body of knowledge and resources, including toolkits, project reports, training manuals, and implementation guides. These resources produced by ILAB’s grantees are presented here in a searchable online library so that they may help support and inform current and future projects to end abusive labor practices worldwide.
Project Resource Documents Search Results
Showing 1451 - 1460 of 1777Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Community Asset Appraisal Field Report. Covering Targeted Communities in Margibi, Montserrado & Nimba Counties, May 10 - 23, 2013
Show Description
The purpose of this report is to share the findings of the Community Asset Appraisal (CAA) mapping implemented in 15 communities in the two ARCH Child Labor Free Zones (CLFZs). The CAA is intended to support the targeted communities to discover what assets and needs are important in preventing and responding to child labor. Of note, "Annex A: Community Advocates" in the document has been removed for privacy purposes. |
Winrock International |
Rapid Market Assessment for Households Conducted From June to July 2013 in Three Districts: Montserrado, Margibi and Nimba Counties. Republic of Liberia.
Show Description
The purpose of this rapid market assessment was to identify and support the development of economically viable and sustainable livelihoods activities that will address long-term livelihood needs of targeted beneficiaries and communities in Liberia. |
Winrock International |
A Case Study: Comparison of Rubber Producers in Liberia
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A qualitative assessment that explores labor practices throughout the supply chain of rubber production within Liberia, employee compensation and benefit structures, community engagement and relations, and policies and practices on child labor and occupational health and safety. |
Winrock International |
Protégeons Nos Enfants des Pesticides!. Guide Visuel d'Animation.
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A module regarding the topic of preventing and reducing children's exposure to pesticides. The objectives of this module are to help participants identify how children are exposed to pesticides, describe to participants the negative health effects of pesticides and why children are more exposed, and to help participants identify how they can reduce children's exposure to pesticides in their community. Project: |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Good practices and Lessons learned in Cocoa Communities in Ghana
Show Description
This video outlines some measures that were innovative, efficient and replicable from the ILO-IPEC Cocoa Communities Project (CCP). The project exceeded its targeted number of beneficiaries and made significant gains in addressing some of the root causes of child labour in cocoa growing communities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Mon enfant
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"Mon enfant" chanson contre le travail des enfants par le "Choeur pour l’abolition du travail des enfants" de la Côte d'ivoire. Auteur: Serge Bile Compositeur: David Tayorault Video produite par l'Association "Petit Kouakou" avec le soutien du Bureau international du Travail (BIT). |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Petits travailleurs
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"Petits travailleurs" chanson contre le travail des enfants par le "Choeur pour l’abolition du travail des enfants" de la Côte d'ivoire. Video produite par l'Association "Petit Kouakou" avec le soutien du Bureau international du Travail (BIT). |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Baseline survey in cocoa-growing districts in Ghana - Household Survey Report
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The task of this baseline survey was to assess child labour in agriculture in Ghana, focusing particularly on cocoa, and with the aim to provide information that will contribute to the prevention and elimination in Ghana.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Capacity building of cocoa and agriculture extension officers and other key partners on child labour - Report
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The activity is to enhance the capacity of the extensions services in the provision of relevant support to farmers to improve cocoa and other agriculture production through effective Occupational Safety and Health measures, actions against child labor, especially with respect to hazardous work, including their active participation in the Ghana Child Labour Monitoring System (GCLMS). |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Baseline survey in cocoa-growing districts in Ghana - Community and School Survey Report
Show Description
This school and community report on the 64 CCP communities reveal that majority of the communities are lacking of many economic and physical infrastructure, including education and health infrastructure. Child labor also seems to be common place in these communities. This report presents the findings from the community and school survey and covers the characteristics and profile of the communities as well as their basic schools.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Community Asset Appraisal Field Report. Covering Targeted Communities in Margibi, Montserrado & Nimba Counties, May 10 - 23, 2013
Show Description
The purpose of this report is to share the findings of the Community Asset Appraisal (CAA) mapping implemented in 15 communities in the two ARCH Child Labor Free Zones (CLFZs). The CAA is intended to support the targeted communities to discover what assets and needs are important in preventing and responding to child labor. Of note, "Annex A: Community Advocates" in the document has been removed for privacy purposes. |
Winrock International |
Rapid Market Assessment for Households Conducted From June to July 2013 in Three Districts: Montserrado, Margibi and Nimba Counties. Republic of Liberia.
Show Description
The purpose of this rapid market assessment was to identify and support the development of economically viable and sustainable livelihoods activities that will address long-term livelihood needs of targeted beneficiaries and communities in Liberia. |
Winrock International |
A Case Study: Comparison of Rubber Producers in Liberia
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A qualitative assessment that explores labor practices throughout the supply chain of rubber production within Liberia, employee compensation and benefit structures, community engagement and relations, and policies and practices on child labor and occupational health and safety. |
Winrock International |
Protégeons Nos Enfants des Pesticides!. Guide Visuel d'Animation.
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A module regarding the topic of preventing and reducing children's exposure to pesticides. The objectives of this module are to help participants identify how children are exposed to pesticides, describe to participants the negative health effects of pesticides and why children are more exposed, and to help participants identify how they can reduce children's exposure to pesticides in their community. Project: |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Good practices and Lessons learned in Cocoa Communities in Ghana
Show Description
This video outlines some measures that were innovative, efficient and replicable from the ILO-IPEC Cocoa Communities Project (CCP). The project exceeded its targeted number of beneficiaries and made significant gains in addressing some of the root causes of child labour in cocoa growing communities. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Mon enfant
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"Mon enfant" chanson contre le travail des enfants par le "Choeur pour l’abolition du travail des enfants" de la Côte d'ivoire. Auteur: Serge Bile Compositeur: David Tayorault Video produite par l'Association "Petit Kouakou" avec le soutien du Bureau international du Travail (BIT). |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Petits travailleurs
Show Description
"Petits travailleurs" chanson contre le travail des enfants par le "Choeur pour l’abolition du travail des enfants" de la Côte d'ivoire. Video produite par l'Association "Petit Kouakou" avec le soutien du Bureau international du Travail (BIT). |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Baseline survey in cocoa-growing districts in Ghana - Household Survey Report
Show Description
The task of this baseline survey was to assess child labour in agriculture in Ghana, focusing particularly on cocoa, and with the aim to provide information that will contribute to the prevention and elimination in Ghana.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Capacity building of cocoa and agriculture extension officers and other key partners on child labour - Report
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The activity is to enhance the capacity of the extensions services in the provision of relevant support to farmers to improve cocoa and other agriculture production through effective Occupational Safety and Health measures, actions against child labor, especially with respect to hazardous work, including their active participation in the Ghana Child Labour Monitoring System (GCLMS). |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Baseline survey in cocoa-growing districts in Ghana - Community and School Survey Report
Show Description
This school and community report on the 64 CCP communities reveal that majority of the communities are lacking of many economic and physical infrastructure, including education and health infrastructure. Child labor also seems to be common place in these communities. This report presents the findings from the community and school survey and covers the characteristics and profile of the communities as well as their basic schools.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |