TAA Technical Assistance Webinars
The Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance (OTAA) conducts a number of live and recorded events to provide information to state grantees to help in the administration of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program. In addition to the recorded webinars below, live events include Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions on TAA reporting, TAA Data Integrity (TAADI), and TAA fiscal reporting. We also provide regular blog posts in issues related to state administration. Most of these resources can be accessed through our WorkforceGPS Community.
Unless otherwise noted, webinars are hosted on the WorkforceGPS website. WorkforceGPS, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's (Department's) Employment and Training Administration (ETA), is an on-line interactive communications and learning platform designed to build the capacity of the workforce investment system. Members include the public workforce system and its strategic partners, such as employers, Federal agencies, community-and faith-based organizations, and educators. WorkforceGPS supplements other technical assistance provided by the ETA's national and regional staff to build the capacity of the workforce investment system to successfully meet the employment needs of America's workforce and employers. For questions regarding accessing WorkforceGPS, please send an email to support@workforcegps.org. For information on the TAA Community on WorkforceGPS, see this webinar.
2021 Reversion/2022 TerminationThe following are recorded webinars on the 2021 Reversion Program which went into effect July 1, 2021, and Termination which went into effect July 1, 2022.
OutreachThe following are recorded webinars on outreach to potential TAA participants.
PetitionsThe following are recorded webinars on petition filing and related topics.
EligibilityThe following are recorded webinars discussing notifying eligible workers and determining their eligibility.
Co-Enrollment and Program IntegrationThese webinars discuss co-enrollment and how to provide integrated services to participants.
Case ManagementThe following are recorded webinars discussing providing case management to TAA participants.
TrainingThe following recorded webinars discuss the provision of training services and related issues for TAA participants.
TRA and A/RTAA BenefitsThe following recorded webinars discuss Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) and Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) benefits as well as the agent/liable state relationship.
Participant ReportingThe following are recorded webinars on TAA participant reporting.
Performance ReportingThe following are recorded webinars on TAA performance reporting.
TAA Administrative Collection of StatesThe following are recorded webinars discussing the TAA Administrative Collection of States (TAAACS), Form ETA-9189, or results of the collection.
Financial Reporting and FundingThe following are recorded webinars discussing TAA financial reporting and funding.