Got Laid Off from Work or About to Be? Need Help?
The TAA Program helps workers who lost a job or might lose a job because of competition from overseas.
What kind of help is out there for me?
TAA offers opportunities for eligible workers to build skills and credentials. You could get support to get back to work quickly and successfully by taking part in a job assessment, enrolling in training, or receiving regular income support payments. If you’re a worker over 50, we have resources for you, too, just ask.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
The first step in the process is for the entire worker group to be certified by DOL. After certification, DOL notifies the state agency who gets a list of worker names from the employer. The state reaches out to the workers on the list.
After hearing from the state your next step is to contact your local American Jobs Center to find out what services you are able to get and how to qualify.
What does eligible mean and how can I qualify?
The company you were laid off from must have had one or more of these events to happen:
- sales or production are decreasing while the number of goods coming from overseas are increasing; or
- shifted production to a foreign country which increased the job losses;
- you were part of a company that supplied parts to a firm that U.S. DOL already certified.
To qualify, you must:
- Be a member of the certified worker group.
- Contact your local American Jobs Center and apply for benefits to find out what services are available such as training, weekly income support payments while you attend school, employment counseling, and more, and which ones you qualify for.
- Meet specific enrollment deadlines that the local American Job Center will explain.
How can I find out more?
Our local workforce partners can help you with any questions you have about the TAA Program or how to access services. They also can connect you with other resources that you may be eligible for. Find your local office using the link at You can also contact CareerOneStop by phone at 1-877-872-5627 or email at