To receive Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program benefits and services, the worker group must be determined eligible by the U.S. Department of Labor. To submit a petition for worker group eligibility, see our Petitioner page. Individual workers must then apply for benefits and services through the state workforce agency and their local American Jobs Center.


This video(link is external) provides a good overview of the TAA Program.

Due to program changes, there are multiple versions of the TAA Program. Individual benefits and services vary depending on the petition number.  However, the majority of participants are currently being served under the 2015 Amendment Benefits.

Comparison of Benefits and Services by Program

Detailed explanations of benefits and services can be found here:

Detailed Explanations of Benefits by Program
Petition Numbers
Benefits Information
50,000 to 69,999
2002 Amendment Benefits
70,000 to 79,999
2009 Program
80,000 to 80,999
2002 Amendment Benefits
2011 Amendment Benefits
81,000 to 84,999
2011 Amendment Benefits
85,000 to 89,999
Reversion 2014
2015 Amendment Benefits
90,000 to 97,999
2015 Amendment Benefits
98,000 and above Reversion 2021


For technical assistance resources on TAA benefits and services, see our Practitioner Resources.