YouthBuild - FOA-ETA-23-17

Under the YouthBuild Funding Opportunity Announcement, DOL will award grants through a competitive process to organizations providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, while performing meaningful work and service to their communities. The YouthBuild program model prepares participants for quality jobs in a variety of careers, including infrastructure, and contains wrap-around services such as mentoring, trauma-informed care, personal counseling, and employment – all key strategies for addressing community violence. YouthBuild applicants must include construction skills training and may include occupational skills training in other in-demand industries. This expansion into additional indemand industries is the Construction Plus component, a priority in this grant competition. 

YouthBuild is a community-based alternative education program for youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who left high school prior to graduation that also have other risk factors, including being an adjudicated youth, youth aging out of foster care, youth with disabilities, migrant farmworker youth, youth experiencing housing instability, and other disadvantaged youth populations. The YouthBuild program simultaneously addresses multiple core issues important to youth in lowincome communities: affordable housing, leadership development, education, and employment opportunities in in-demand industries and apprenticeship pathways. YouthBuild programs serve as the connection point to vital services for participants. Key aspects of the YouthBuild service delivery model include meaningful partnership and collaboration with the public workforce development system, education and human services systems, and labor and industry partners.

The YouthBuild model balances project-based academic learning and occupational skills training to prepare opportunity youth for career placement and supports the Administration's goal to build a modern and sustainable infrastructure. YouthBuild programs are well-positioned to connect participants with career opportunities developing as a result of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (construction), Inflation Reduction Act (clean energy), and CHIPS and Science Act (manufacturing). For more information on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including a guidebook of other funding opportunities, visit

Questions regarding this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) may be emailed to We encourage prospective applicants and interested parties to use the subscription option to register for future updates provided for this particular FOA.

Prospective Applicant Webinar(link is external)

DOL Nursing Expansion Grant Program - FOA-ETA-22-16

The purpose of this grant opportunity is to address bottlenecks in training the United States nursing workforce and to expand and diversify the pipeline of qualified nursing professionals who can fill quality jobs in healthcare. Applicants will apply for one of two training tracks: 1) The Nurse Education Professional Track will increase the number of nursing instructors and educators by training new or upskilling experienced nurses into the advanced postsecondary credentialing necessary to become nursing instructors or educators. 2) The Nursing Career Pathways Track will train participants as frontline healthcare professionals and paraprofessionals, including direct care workers, to advance along a career pathway and attain postsecondary credentials needed for middle- to high-skilled nursing occupations.

This grant program is grounded in the principles of worker-centered sector strategies, where employers; education and training providers; labor unions, labor-management partnerships, and other worker organizations; workforce development entities; and workers collaboratively address nursing occupation needs in real time and prepare for the future of work with a focus on equity, job quality, and attracting, training, hiring, and retaining skilled workers, especially from underserved communities.

A prospective applicant webinar and Frequently Asked Questions will be posted to this website on approximately October 12, 2022.

Prospective Applicant Webinar(link is external)


Growth Opportunities - FOA-ETA-22-03 (Round 2)

Through the Growth Opportunities grant program, the Department will introduce and prepare justice-involved youth and young adults for the world of work through placement into paid work experiences. These grants focus on youth and young adults most impacted by community violence, particularly in areas of concentrated crime and poverty as well as communities that have recently experienced significant unrest. This program contributes to the Biden-Harris Administration’s comprehensive strategy to combat gun violence and other violent crime, in part, with preventative measures that are proven to reduce violent crime and support public safety and community well-being. The goals of the grant are to: help youth and young adults to increase their conflict resolution skills and develop strategies to prevent and avoid violence; introduce and prepare youth for the world of work; help youth identify career interests, attain relevant skills and gain work experience; and provide income to youth, to start them on the path of earning living wages and obtaining high quality jobs and careers. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar


Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grant - FOA-ETA-22-02 (SCC3)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications for the third round of Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants (or SCC3).  DOL is soliciting applications for SCC3 through an amendment to the second round of the SCC grants funding opportunity announcement (FOA).  Applications for SCC3 are due October 14, 2022, using the SCC2 FOA (see Amendment Two). 

For the purposes of this FOA, this training initiative has two parts: the standard program grants will be referred to as SCC3 Program Grants and the additional evaluation funds will be referred to as Additional SCC3 Evaluation Funding. The purpose of this program is to address two inter-related needs: 1) to increase the capacity and responsiveness of community colleges to address identified equity gaps, and 2) to meet the skill development needs of employers in in-demand industries and career pathways, as well as the skill development needs of underserved and underrepresented workers.

Ultimately, these grants should build the capacity of community colleges to address identified equity gaps and meet the skill development needs of employers in in-demand industries and career pathways leading to quality jobs.  These efforts will yield sustainable systems-level changes in education and training through collaboration between community colleges, employers and the public workforce development system that align education and training, work experiences, and industry-recognized credentials that lead to career growth. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar(link is external) (SCC2 webinar can be used for SCC3 applications)

Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC): A Grant Initiative for the Appalachian and Delta Regions- FOA-ETA-22-13

The purpose of this grant opportunity is to create economic mobility, address historic inequities for marginalized communities of color and other underserved and underrepresented communities, and produce high-quality employment for workers who reside in the Appalachian and Delta regions, enabling them to remain and thrive in these communities. The WORC Initiative provides funding to eligible applicants proposing to meet this goal with a project addressing the employment and training needs of the local and regional workforce, created in collaboration with community partners and aligned with existing economic and workforce development plans and strategies.

Successful applicants will demonstrate clear strategies to provide needed career, training, and support services to eligible individuals in counties, parishes, or areas currently underserved by other resources, so they may secure good jobs in stable, high-demand occupations. Eligible individuals served under this grant include dislocated workers, new entrants to the workforce, and incumbent workers.

Prospective Applicant Webinar(link is external)


The Indian and Native American Program - FOA-ETA-22-05

The Indian and Native American Program (INAP) Employment and Training Grants support employment and training activities for Indians and Native Americans throughout the United States by awarding grant funding to eligible entities at the local level for the provision of employment services. Grant award recipients may use funding to help all eligible Indian and Native Americans, including Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians, with employment, financial assistance for education and training, and other supportive services necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar(link is external)

Workforce Pathways for Youth - FOA-ETA-22-07

The Workforce Pathways for Youth demonstration grants support national out-of-school time (OST) organizations that serve  historically underserved and marginalized youth ages 14 to 21.  These grants will place an emphasis on age-appropriate workforce readiness programming to expand job training and workforce pathways for youth, including soft skill development, career exploration, job readiness and certification, summer jobs, year-round job opportunities, and apprenticeships.  Funding will also support partnerships between workforce boards and youth serving organizations. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar

Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) Grant Program - FOA-ETA-22-06

This Funding Opportunity Announcement solicits applications for the Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) grant program. This FOA supports a coordinated, national investment strategy that aims to strengthen and modernize the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) system, centered on equity and promotes Registered Apprenticeship as a workforce development solution. Applicants have the opportunity to apply for funding across four grant categories: (1) State Apprenticeship System Building and Modernization; (2) Expansion of RAP Opportunities for Youth; (3) Ensuring Equitable RAP Pathways Through Pre-Apprenticeship Leading to RAP Enrollment and Equity Partnerships; and (4) Registered Apprenticeship Hubs.

The ABA grant program builds on the Department’s previous and ongoing efforts to expand and modernize Registered Apprenticeship through expanding the number of programs and apprentices, diversifying the industries that utilize Registered Apprenticeship, and increasing access to and completion of RAPs for underrepresented populations and underserved communities. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar Recording 

Pathway Home 3 - FOA-ETA-22-04

The Pathway Home Grant Program builds on the findings of the Linking Employment Activities Pre-Release (LEAP) implementation study.  The LEAP pilots provided pre-release services through jail-based American Job Centers and linked participants to post-release services.  By providing for reentry services to begin while participants are still incarcerated and to continue post-release, these projects are designed to eliminate the time gap between release from prison and enrollment into a workforce development reentry program leading to skills-based employment. These projects will serve adults aged 18 or older who have been convicted under federal, state, or local law and are incarcerated in state correctional facilities or local or county jails with scheduled release dates within 20 to 270 days of enrollment in the program. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar

Growth Opportunities - FOA-ETA-22-03

Through the Growth Opportunities grant program, the Department will introduce and prepare justice-involved youth and young adults for the world of work through placement into paid work experiences. These grants focus on youth and young adults most impacted by community violence, particularly in areas of concentrated crime and poverty as well as communities that have recently experienced significant unrest. This program contributes to the Biden-Harris Administration’s comprehensive strategy to combat gun violence and other violent crime, in part, with preventative measures that are proven to reduce violent crime and support public safety and community well-being. The goals of the grant are to: help youth and young adults to increase their conflict resolution skills and develop strategies to prevent and avoid violence; introduce and prepare youth for the world of work; help youth identify career interests, attain relevant skills and gain work experience; and provide income to youth, to start them on the path of earning living wages and obtaining high quality jobs and careers. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar

Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grant - FOA-ETA-22-02 (SCC2)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications for the second round of Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants (or SCC2).  For the purposes of this FOA, this training initiative has two parts: the standard program grants will be referred to as SCC2 Program Grants and the additional evaluation funds will be referred to as Additional SCC2 Evaluation Funding.  The purpose of this program is to address two inter-related needs: 1) to increase the capacity and responsiveness of community colleges to address identified equity gaps, and 2) to meet the skill development needs of employers in in-demand industries and career pathways, as well as the skill development needs of underserved and underrepresented workers. 

Ultimately, these grants should build the capacity of community colleges to address identified equity gaps and meet the skill development needs of employers in in-demand industries and career pathways leading to quality jobs. These efforts will yield sustainable systems-level changes in education and training through collaboration between community colleges, employers and the public workforce development system that align education and training, work experiences, and industry-recognized credentials that lead to career growth. 

Prospective Applicant Webinar(link is external)

YouthBuild - FOA-ETA-22-01

The purpose of this program is to fund organizations to provide a pre-apprenticeship program model that encompasses education, occupational skills training, leadership development, and high-quality post-program placement opportunities to opportunity youth. YouthBuild is a community-based alternative education program for youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who left high school prior to graduation that also have other risk factors, including being an adjudicated youth, youth aging out of foster care, youth with disabilities, migrant farmworker youth, youth experiencing housing instability, and other disadvantaged youth populations. The YouthBuild program simultaneously addresses multiple core issues important to youth in low-income communities: affordable housing, leadership development, education, and employment opportunities in in-demand industries and apprenticeship pathways. YouthBuild programs serve as the connection point to vital services for participants. Key aspects of the YouthBuild service delivery model include meaningful partnership and collaboration with the public workforce development system, education and human services systems, and labor and industry partners. DOL expects applicants funded through this solicitation to have well-established partnerships in place prior to grant award.  

The YouthBuild model balances project-based academic learning and occupational skills training to prepare opportunity youth for career placement.  The academic component assists youth who are often significantly behind in basic skill development in obtaining a high school diploma or state high school equivalency credential.  The occupational skills training component prepares opportunity youth for apprenticeship and other career pathways and/or further education or training.  It also supports the goal of increasing affordable housing within communities by teaching youth construction skills learned by building or significantly renovating homes for sale or rent to low-income families or transitional housing for homeless families or individuals.