The Office of Grants Management (OGM) provides accurate, timely, centralized grants management expertise to all Employment and Training Administration (ETA) offices and stakeholders throughout the grants life cycle.
Through delegated Grant Officer authorities, OGM delivers centralized grants administration and policy expertise to support pre-award, award, period of performance, audit resolution and closeout of federal assistance awards made by ETA.
Our office works collaboratively with program offices to develop grant solicitations, oversee application analysis and review and is the deciding official for federal assistance awards. Our office develops and implements procedures to resolve audits and investigations of U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) grantees, and acts on grantee requests for waivers of liability. Our office develops and disseminates financial and grants management policies and procedures for grantees to ensure compliance with these requirements. We also provide training and technical assistance to offices, grantees and other organizations. Lastly, our office represents DOL at Council on Federal Assistance Reform meetings and other government-wide federal assistance forums.
Thomas S. Kodiak

Mr. Thomas S. Kodiak served as Director of Federal Assistance Financial Management and Director of Federal Assistance at the U.S. Department of State, prior to being named Administrator of the Office of Grants Management, which covered over $12 billion annually in federal assistance and served as the agency's Key Management Single Audit Liaison (KMSAL).Thomas also served as co-Chair for the Financial Assistance Committee for E-Government (FACE) working to advance interagency collaboration and sharing of best practices in federal assistance including forming the FACE sub-working group on Advancing Racial Equity in Grantmaking.
Thomas has served in many grants' roles from Grants Officer for Conventional Weapons Destruction and Humanitarian Demining Program, where he implemented GrantSolutions, to Grants Officer Representative for the U.S. Mission to the Organization of American States advancing grants in democracy, human rights, and development, to being a grant recipient at an Illinois Small Business Center receiving Small Business Administration grants through the State of Illinois. Thomas served with the Employment and Training Administration developing policy and guidance for National Emergency Grants including special issuance of workforce retraining awards to displaced workers in the most impacted areas under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
Thomas is a recent graduate from the Department of State National Security Executive Leadership Seminar and the Asian American Government Executive Network (AAGEN) SES Development Program.