The public workforce system complements the role of health, law enforcement, and social service agencies to address the impact of opioid addiction and other substance use disorders. The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), at the White House's direction, declared the opioid crisis a national public health emergency in October 2017. The continued widespread misuse of and addiction to opioids and other drugs, including illicit drugs, remains a nationwide crisis.
Since 2018, the Department of Labor has issued multiple grant opportunities addressing the workforce impacts of the opioid addiction and other substance abuse disorders. Under these programs, grantees provide reemployment services for individuals impacted by the crisis; train individuals to transition into professions that can impact the crisis, such as alternative pain management, mental health treatment, and addiction treatment; and create temporary employment opportunities for peer recovery counselors and other positions that have a direct impact on the crisis.
2024 Opioid Response DWG Guidance
On December 17, 2024, the Department of Labor issued Training and Employment Guidance Letter 9-24 (TEGL 9-24) Updated National Dislocated Worker Grant Guidance and Application Information. This guidance replaced and rescinded previous guidance regarding opioid-response DWGs. Eligible applicants may refer to this guidance and information regarding Disaster Recovery DWGs for grant information.
Prior Opioid-Related Grants Awarded
September 2018- December 2024
National Health Emergency Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grants (NHE DWGs): From 2018 through December 17, 2024, the Department has awarded over $59 million across 24 NHE Disaster Recovery DWGs to states and tribal entities. These grants were awarded on a rolling basis, per TEGL 4-18, and several remain active as of December 2024.
SUPPORT Act Demonstration Grants: In September 2020, the Department awarded $20 million in grant awards under the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act (SUPPORT Act), to responded to opioid addiction and other substance use disorders. Grants were awarded to four states: Florida, Maryland, Ohio and Wisconsin. These grants came to a close in 2024.
National Health Emergency Demonstration Grants: In 2018, the Department awarded $22 million across six National Health Emergency (NHE) Dislocated Worker Demonstration Grants. These innovative grants responded to the opioid crisis and were awarded to six states: Alaska, Maryland, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington. These grants came to a close in 2020.