How to Apply Grants is external)

  • A government-wide registry for vendors doing business with the federal government. ALL DOL funding recipients must have and maintain an active registration from the time of application through the end of the period of performance.
  • The Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) used by the Federal government will replace the Dun & Bradstreet's Data Universal Numbering System, commonly known as the DUNS number, as of April 4, 2022. Entities that already have a DUNS number, subrecipients that use DUNS number for subaward reporting purposes, and new applicants for a Federal award, please refer to the information link below for more information: is external)

Competitive Grants

Application Procedures for National Dislocated Worker Grants (DWGs)

On December 17, 2024, the Department published Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 09-24, Updated National Dislocated Worker Grant Program Guidance and Application Information.  The guidance provides updates to the workforce system regarding DWG funding requirements.  TEGL 09-24 rescinds and replaces TEGL No. 16-21, Updated National Dislocated Worker Grant Program Guidance, dated June 16, 2022, and TEGL No. 04-18, National Health Emergency Phase Two: Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants to Address the Opioid Crisis, dated September 14, 2018.

Eligible applicants requesting Disaster Recovery or Employment Recovery DWG funding must apply by submitting an application package through at this link:  

To be considered for an award, the application package must be complete and responsive to the TEGL, as well as information requested in the Suggested Grant Application and Budget Narrative Instructions posted with the TEGL on under Related Documents.  A complete full application package for DWG funding includes the SF-424 (Request for Federal Assistance), SF-424A, Budget Narrative, and Statement of Work.   Applicants are encouraged to use the Suggested Grant Application for their Statement of Work to ensure all the requested information required in a full  application is clearly addressed.  The Suggested Grant Application includes specific information for meeting requirements including information required for the Community Needs Assessments.

Additional DWG Information: 

  • Amendment Requests: Grant recipients must contact their assigned Federal Project Officer (FPO) to prepare and submit amendment requests to modify existing grant awards.  Amendment requests are required for modifications to budgets, statements of work, and other grant award components, as well as for award increments or additional funding.  Grant Recipients can find their assigned FPO’s contact information on their Notice of Award issued with their grant agreement.  
  • One-Stop Partner Resources:  DWGs are funded through Title I of WIOA and are considered required one-stop partners in the local AJC network.  Partners provide access to program activities through the one-stop delivery system and use a portion of the funds available for the program and activities to maintain the one-stop delivery system. Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGLs) 16-16 and 17-16 provide general guidance for the implementation of operational requirements and costs pertaining to the one-stop delivery system.  To get started, find your local AJC and connect at this link:   Visit Workforce GPS for more helpful resources at this link: WorkforceGPS - WIOA Grant Resources

Formula Grants

Funding opportunities for formula grants are available for State Workforce Agencies, State Labor Commissioners, Indian and Native American Program Grantees, and State Apprenticeship Agencies. These opportunities are announced through Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGLs) or Unemployment Insurance Program Letters (UIPLs) sent directly to eligible entities (may vary depending on the opportunity), and posted on is external) and The program purpose, funding, and submission requirements are outlined in the appropriate TEGL or UIPL. An example of a most recent formula grant opportunity can be found here.

ETA Resources

  • OMB Uniform Guidance: The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) at 2 CFR 200 is the first consolidation of grant management requirements in many years. Prior to the Uniform Guidance, Federal grant management requirements governing administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements were found in eight separate OMB Circulars.

    The Department of Labor's adoption of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) is found at 2 CFR 2900 which includes a limited number of exceptions approved by OMB to ensure consistency with existing policy and procedures.
  • Division of Cost Determination:

    Information to help explain what indirect costs are and whether they are appropriate for an applicant to include indirect costs in their budget submission. There is also information about how an applicant would work with the Cost Determination Division to commence the indirect cost negotiation process.