DWGs are discretionary grants awarded by the Secretary of Labor under Section 170 of WIOA to provide employment-related services for dislocated workers. The Department funds two types of DWGs:

Disaster Recovery DWGs provide funding to create temporary employment opportunities to assist with clean-up and recovery efforts when an area impacted by an emergency or major disaster is declared eligible for public assistance by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or is declared, or otherwise recognized, as an emergency or disaster of national significance by a Federal agency with authority or jurisdiction over Federal response to the disaster or emergency.

Employment Recovery DWGs temporarily expand capacity to serve dislocated workers and to meet the increased demand for employment and training services following a qualifying event. Qualifying events include major economic dislocations, such as plant closures, mass layoffs, or higher-than-average demand for employment and training activities for dislocated members of the Armed Forces and their spouses.

Learn more about each grant type below and at Training and Employment Guidance Letter 9-24, Updated National Dislocated Worker Grant Program Guidance and Application Information. 

Qualifying Events

Disaster Recovery DWG

Employment Recovery DWG

FEMA-declared emergencies and major disasters; emergencies or disaster situations of national significance declared by a chief official of a federal agency with jurisdiction; or relocation of a substantial number of individuals from a state, tribal area, or outlying area, due to a declared disaster or emergency


Mass layoffs or plant closures that affect 50 or more workers from one employer,or multiple small dislocations, or higher-than-average demand for employment and training activities from dislocated military service members and dislocated military spouses



Eligible Applicants

Disaster Recovery DWG(link is external)

Employment Recovery DWG(link is external)

A State



Outlying areas



Indian tribal governments (as defined by the Stafford Act, 42 U.S.C. 5122(6)).


Entities eligible for funding through the Indian and Native American program at WIOA Section 166.


Entities determined appropriate to apply by the Governor.


Entities that demonstrate to the Secretary of Labor their capability to effectively respond to particular dislocation events.


Eligible Participants

Disaster Recovery DWG

Employment Recovery DWG

Dislocated workers as defined in WIOA(link is external) Section 3(15).



Individuals temporarily or permanently laid off because of the emergency or disaster.


Long-term unemployed individuals, as defined by the grantee.


Self-employed individuals who became unemployed or significantly underemployed due to disaster.


Allowable Grant Activities

Disaster Recovery DWG

Employment Recovery DWG

Employment and Training

  • Career Services. See the Career Services section of TEGL 19-16 beginning on page 2 for details.
  • Training Services. See the Training Services section of TEGL 19-16 starting on page 5 for details.



Temporary disaster-relief employment that enables

  • clean-up and recovery efforts within the declared disaster area and/or
  • delivery of appropriate humanitarian assistance in the aftermath of a federally declared disaster or emergency.


Supportive Services to enable individuals to

  • participate safely and effectively in disaster-relief employment, and/or
  • achieve success in employment and training activities (such as assistance with transportation, and childcare).


Supportive Services to enable individuals to participate in employment and training activities

