
Revised List of Annual Salary Rates for General Schedule (GS) and Senior Executive Service (SES) Employees


To provide new annual salary rates for Federal Civilian employees to assist State Employment Security Agency (SESA) personnel in completing UCFE Form ES-935, Claimant Statement of Federal Civilian Service.


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References: Chapter V, Section 5, and Chapter XI, Section 1, ET Handbook No. 391. Instruction: SESAs should provide copies of the attached Federal pay schedules to appropriate staff members engaged in UCFE claims activities. Action Required: SESAs should follow the above instructions and provide the attached revised Federal pay schedule to appropriate staff.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Barbara Ann Farmer Administrator for Regional Management

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Revised GS and SES Annual Salary Rates To obtain a copy of attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the Office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585.

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Field Test Results, Plans for Implementation of Unemployment Insurance (UI) Performance Measurement Review (PMR) Project, and Status of Oversight Efforts


To convey the results of a six-State field test of performance measures under the PMR Project and to provide States with the opportunity to comment on the interim final report.


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Reallotment of Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Title III Formula-Allotted Funds


To transmit a copy of the December 7, 1992, Federal Register notice announcing the reallotment of JTPA Title III formula-allotted funds.


Direct inquiries to Mr. Robert N. Colombo, Director, Office of Worker Retraining and Adjustment Programs, on (202) 219-5577.

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References: Sections 162 and 303 of the JTPA; Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 2-91 dated December 27, 1991. Background: TEGL No. 2-91 describes the reallotment process that was used to identify and reallot unexpended formula funds that were in excess of statutory limits at the end of Program Year 1991. Reallotment of funds has been based on expenditure reports submitted by the States. Action: Copies of the attachment should be distributed to appropriate staff. Equitable procedures for making funds available for reallotment, and distribution of funds requirements, are addressed in the notice.


ETA Regional Staff


Carolyn M. Golding Acting Assistant Secretary

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I Letter Sent to Governors II Federal Register notice (57 FR 57842-57845). ATTACHMENT I: Letter Sent to Governors February 2, 1993 The Honorable H. Guy Hunt Governor of Alabama Montgomery, Alabama 36130 Dear Governor Hunt: I am sending you a copy of the Federal Register notice published on December 1992 Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Title III formula- allotted funds. The limited resources available under Title III are distributed to States each year to provide retraining and basic readjustment services to dislocated workers. Under the provisions of the Act, excess formula-allotted funds that remain unexpended at the end of the program year are to be recaptured and reallotted among eligible States. The reallotment process is based on expenditure reports submitted by the States. The reallotment of PY 1992 funds reflects the excess unexpended Title III formula-allotted funds as of June 30, 1992, as reported by each State. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to your continued assistance in helping dislocated workers move rapidly into new jobs. Sincerely, CAROLYN M. GOLDING Acting assistant Secretary Enclosure ATTACHMENT II: Federal Register notice (57 FR 57842-57845). Federal Register #235, 12-7-92, TEGL #3-92 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Job Training Partnership Act: Employment and Training Assistance for Dislocated Workers; Reallotment of Title III Funds AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Labor ACTION: Notice SUMMARY: The Department of Labor is publishing for public information the Job Training Partnership Act Title III (Employment and Training Assistance for Dislocated Workers) funds identified by States for reallotment, and the amount to be reallotted to eligible States. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Robert N. Colombo, Director, Office of Worker Retraining and Adjustment Programs, Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor, room N-4703, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210. Telephone: 202-219-5577 (this is not a toll-free number) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to Title III of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA or the Act), as amended by the Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act (EDWAA), the Secretary of Labor (Secretary) is required to recapture funds from States identified pursuant to section 303(b) of the Act, and reallot such funds by a Notice of Obligation (NOO) adjustment to current year funds to "eligible States" and "eligible high unemployment States" as set forth in section 303(a), (b), and (c) of JTPA. 29 U.S.C. 1653. The basic reallotment process was described in Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 4-88, dated November 25, 1988, Subject: Reallotment and Reallocation of Funds under Title III of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) as amended, 53 FR 43737 (December 2, 1988). The reallotment process for Program Year (PY) 1992 funds was described in Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 2-91, dated December 27, 1991, Subject: Reallotment of Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Title III Formula-Allotted Funds. NOO adjustments to the PY 1992 (July 1, 1992-June 30, 1993) formula allotments are being issued based on expenditures reported to the Secretary by the States, as required by the recapture and reallotment provisions at Section 303 of JTPA 29 U.S.C. 1653. The funds recaptured are an amount equal to the sum of every State's unexpended PY 1991 formula funds in excess of 20 percent of its PY 1991 formula allotments, and all unexpended funds made available by formula for PY 1990. A State's PY 1991 formula allotments include the initial allotment for PY 1992, and any additional funds received by the State during the PY 1991 reallotment process. Funds are recaptured from PY 1992 formula allotments, and are distributed by formula to eligible States and eligible high unemployment States, resulting in either an upward or downward adjustment to every State's PY 1992 allotment. Unemployment Data The unemployment data used in the formula for reallotments, relative numbers of unemployed and relative numbers of excess unemployed, were for the July 1991 through June 1992 period. Long- term unemployment data used were for calendar year 1991. The determination of "eligible high unemployment State" for the reallotment of excess unexpended funds was also based on unemployment data for the period July 1991 through June 1992, with all average unemployment rates rounded to the nearest tenth of one percent. The unemployment data were provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, bsaed on the Current Population Survey. The table below displays the distribution of the net changes to PY 1992 formula allotments. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration PY 1992 JTPA Title III Reallotment to States November 12, 1992 COL1 COL2 COL3 COL4 COL5 COL6 Alabama 7.3 0 14,023 14,023 4,719 18,742 Alaska 9.2 130,989 2,345 2,345 789 (127,855) Arizona 7.2 0 10,928 0 3,677 3,677 Arkansas 7.4 0 8,251 8,251 2,777 11,028 Calif. 8.1 0 124,873 124,873 42,023 166,896 Colorado 5.5 39,240 7,136 0 2,402 (36,838) Conn. 7.2 0 113,908 0 4,680 4,680 Delaware 5.9 0 1,910 0 643 643 D.C. 8.2 0 2,535 2,535 853 3,388 Florida 8.0 0 51,219 51,219 17,237 68,456 Georgia 5.4 0 14,170 0 4,769 4,769 Hawaii 3.3 0 865 0 291 291 Idaho 6.1 0 2,367 0 796 796 Illinois 8.0 0 50,748 50,748 17,078 67,826 Indiana 5.9 0 12,839 0 4,321 4,321 Iowa 4.7 0 4,562 0 1,535 1,535 Kansas 4.0 0 3,133 0 1,054 1,054 Kentucky 7.2 0 13,126 0 4,417 4,417 Louisana 7.3 0 14,442 14,442 4,860 19,302 Maine 7.2 0 5,856 0 1,971 1,971 Maryland 6.5 0 15,070 0 5,071 5,071 Mass. 8.7 0 35,578 35,578 11,973 47,551 Michigan 9.1 0 44,836 44,836 15,089 59,925 Minn. 5.2 0 8,915 0 3,000 3,000 Miss. 8.3 0 10,204 10,204 3,434 13,638 Missouri 6.3 0 15,310 0 5,152 5,152 Montana 7.1 0 2,742 0 923 923 Nebraska 2.9 0 1,312 0 441 441 Nevada 6.0 0 3,310 0 1,114 1,114 New Hamp.7.5 0 5,566 5,566 1,873 7,439 New Jers.7.3 0 31,852 31,852 10,719 42,571 New Mex. 6.9 0 4,673 0 1,572 1,572 New York 7.9 0 74,676 74,676 25,131 99,807 N.C. 5.9 3,636 16,908 0 5,690 2,054 N.D. 4.4 0 839 0 282 282 Ohio 6.7 0 35,790 0 12,044 12,044 Oklahoma 6.5 11 8,999 0 3,029 3,018 Oregon 6.8 0 9,094 0 3,060 3,060 Penn. 7.2 680,084 0 0 0 (680,084) Puerto R.16.5 0 21,391 21,391 7,199 28,590 Rhode I. 8.9 0 5,487 5,487 1,847 7,334 S.C. 6.5 0 10,289 0 3,463 3,463 S.D. 3.3 0 649 0 219 219 Tenn. 6.8 0 14,551 0 4,897 4,897 Texas 7.3 0 56,847 56,847 19,131 75,978 Utah 4.9 0 2,585 0 870 870 Vermont 6.4 0 2,048 0 689 689 Virginia 6.2 0 18,676 0 6,285 6,285 Wash. 6.8 0 14,345 0 4,828 4,828 W. Virg. 11.4 0 11,705 11,705 3,939 15,644 Wisconsin5.1 0 9,532 0 3,208 3,208 Wyoming 5.7 0 945 0 318 318 NATL TOT 7.2 853,960 853,960 566,578 287,382 0 Explanation of Table Column 1: This column shows each State's unemployment rate for the twelve months ending June 1992. Column 2: This column shows the amount of excess funds (unexpended PY 1991 funds in excess of 20 percent of the State's PY 1991 formula allotments as described above and/or unexpended PY 1990 formula alloted funds), which are subject to reallotment. PY 1992 funds in an amount equal to the excess funds identified will be recaptured from such States and distributed as discussed below. Column 3: This column shows total excess funds distributed among all "eligible States" by applying the regular Title III formula. "Eligible States" are those with unexpended PY 1991 funds at or below the level of 20 percent of their PY 1991 formula allotments as described above. Column 45: Eligible States with unemployment rates higher than the national average, which was 7.2 percent for the 12-month period, are "eligible high unemployment States." These eligible high unemployment States received amounts equal to their share of the excess funds (the amounts shown in column 3) according to the regular Title III formula. This is Step 1 of the reallotment process. These amounts are shown in column 4 and total $566,578. Column 5: The sum of the remaining shares of available funds ($287,382) for eligible States with unemployment rates less than or equal to the national average is distrubted among all eligible States, again using the regular Title III allotment formula. This is Step 2 of the reallotment process. These amounts are shown in column 5. Column 6: Net changes in PY 1992 formula allotment are presented. This column represents the decreases in Title III funds shown in column 2, and the increases in Title III funds shown in columns 4 and 5. NOOs in the amounts shown in column 6 are being issued to the States listed. Equitable Procedures Pursuant to section 303(d) of the Act, Governors of States required to make funds available for reallotment shall prescribe equitable procedures for making funds available from the State and substate grantees. 29 U.S.C. 1653(d). Distribution of Funds Funds are being reallotted by the Secretary in accordance with section 303(a),(b), and (c) of the Act, using the factors described in section 302(b) of the Act. 29 U.S.C. 1652(b) and 1653 (a), (b), and (c), Distribution within States of funds alloted to States shall be in accordance with section 302(c) and (d) of the Act (29 U.S.C. 1652(c) and (d), and the JTPA regulation at 20 CFR 631.12(d). Signed at Washington, DC, this 25th day of November, 1992. Roberts T. Jones, Assistant Secretary of Labor

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Implementation of Quality Control (QC) Program Improvement (PI) Recommendations into the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program


To provide limited resources for State employment security agencies (SESAs) to implement QC/PI recommendations within their mainstream UI program.


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Increased Use of Interstate Job Bank (IJB)


To assure effective response to increased public access to the Interstate Job Bank (IJB) by State public employment service agencies.


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Background: The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs), the Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies (ICESA), and others have been cooperating in an effort to increase the number of job openings included in the IJB and to develop innovative strategies for increasing access to IJB for individuals seeking employment. These efforts do not alter basic interstate procedures, which remain in effect. Many individual States have included the IJB in public access strategies such as placing job search kiosks in shopping malls, transportation centers, and other locations outside of the local office. The Multi-State Job Bank demonstration project achieved increased reliance on IJB by the participating States of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. The Department of Defense, in cooperation with ICESA, is currently implementing personal computer access to IJB in 350 military installations world wide. The Department of Defense, is also establishing transition programs to assist service members, spouses of service members and civilian workers affected by defense downsizing. Because transition centers are located throughout the world, IJB users at these centers will be contacting local offices directly, without the assistance of other employment service staff. These innovations represent both an exciting opportunity and a challenge to the State employment security agencies. Increased Direct Contacts from Individuals: Much of the new access to the IJB will occur outside of local offices. For example, at the 350 military installations, eligible service members, spouses, and civilian defense employees will have access to IJB through a personal computer. The job orders provide the name and address of the local job service office which holds the order. Especially when the access to IJB occurs outside of the United States, no employment service staff are available to assist applicants in making contact with the local office. These individuals will contact local offices directly. Increased Exposure for Job Orders Through IJB: The extension of access to IJB in non-traditional settings affords access to IJB job orders for individuals who have not had such access in the past. Many of these individuals have high levels of technical skills required in some of our hardest to fill jobs. Such expanded access should increase the likelihood of filling orders which may not have been filled through the Employment Service in the past, and thereby lead to expanded employer use of the IJB. New Uses for IJB: Individuals may access IJB at an earlier time in their total job search experience. At the 350 military installations where IJB is being accessed, many of the individuals who are using IJB are using it prior to separation, sometimes months in advance of separation. Use of IJB at such early dates may have more direct labor market information utility, than immediate placement productivity. Such early exposure to highly qualified candidates may present unique job development opportunities. Action Required: State Administrators are requested to: a. Provide the above information to appropriate staff. b. Assure appropriate local office response to direct contacts from individuals even if they are not registered. Local office response should assist all these individuals, including those who are affected by defense downsizing, especially those who get exposure to IJB through transition assistance programs overseas. Special procedures may include job development activities for individuals who will be returning to a local labor market in the future. c. Review State policies and procedures for entering jobs into IJB. States should recognize that, especially in relation to defense downsizing, the IJB offers exposure to highly skilled potential applicants, who may have strong attachments to local labor markets. When States perform a daily telecommunication with the IJB Center to submit and receive interstate job orders, and rely on automated selection of unfilled job orders, which are appropriate for the full range of jobseekers, States are taking concrete steps to strengthen the public employment service.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Barbara Ann Farmer Administrator for Regional Management

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On-Site Study For The Risk Analysis Project


To request the assistance and cooperation of those State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) selected to be part of the on-site study for the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Risk Analysis Project.


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Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Amendments Modifications to the Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plans


To transmit planning guidance to States regarding modifications to the Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plans (GCSSP) and the Statewide Service Delivery Area Job Training Plans resulting from the enactment of the Job Training Amendments of 199


Inquiries should be directed to James Wiggins or Barbara DeVeaux on 202-219-7533.

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Reference: Job Training Amendments of 1992. Background: Section 121(a)(2) of the JTPA provides that "Any State seeking financial assistance under this Act shall submit a GCSSP for two program years to the Secretary describing the use of all resources provided to the State and its service delivery areas under this Act...." Section 121(b)(7) requires that a modification to the GCSSP be submitted by the Governor to the Secretary if major changes occur in labor market conditions, funding, or other factors during the period covered by the plan. Since the States' submission in May 1992 of the GCSSP's for Program Years 1992 and 1993, the JTPA Amendments of 1992 have been enacted, requiring major changes to Title II programs for Program Year 1993. Section 104(c) states that "If changes in labor market conditions, funding, or other factors require substantial deviation from an approved job training plan, the private industry council and the appropriate chief elected official... shall submit a modification of such plan....." Accordingly, all Governors are expected to review the following sections of the Amendments and interim final regulations and, where appropriate, modify the State's GCSSP for PY 1993. Development of modifications shall proceed on the basis of the statutory language and interim final regulations. In addition, all Governors of single State service delivery areas (SDA's) must modify the State's job training plan. JTPA Amendments of 1992: Modifications to the State's current GCSSP, and, as appropriate, the Statewide Service Delivery Area Job Training Plan, are necessary as a result of the following sections of the 1992 Amendments: a. Private Industry Council Section 627.475 of the JTPA regulations provide that the Governor shall establish general standards for Private Industry Council (PIC) oversight responsibilities. The required PIC standards shall be included in the GCSSP. (20 CFR 627.475) b. Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plans Section 121 (b)(2). The GCSSP shall describe the measures taken by the State to ensure coordination and avoid duplication between agencies administering the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) program and programs under Title II in the planning and delivery of services. The plan shall describe the procedures developed by the State to ensure that the State JOBS plan is consistent with the coordination criteria specified in this plan; and shall identify the procedures developed to provide for the review of the JOBS plan by the State Job Training Coordinating Council (SJTCC). Section 121(b)(3). The Plan shall describe the projected use of resources, including oversight of program performance, program administration, and program financial management, capacity building, priorities and criteria for State incentive grants, and performance goals for State-supported programs. The description of capacity building shall include the Governor's plans for technical assistance to SDA's and service providers, interstate technical assistance and training arrangements, other coordinated technical assistance arrangements undertaken pursuant to the direction of the Secretary, and as applicable, research and demonstration projects. c. State Education Coordination and Grants Section 123 requires the Governor to allocate 8 percent of the State's funds to any State education agency in accordance with a jointly agreed upon plan. Pursuant to Section 123(c), the Governor shall include in the GCSSP a description of the use of State's 8 percent funds in conformance with Section 123 of the Act and 20 CFR 628.205 and 628.315 of the regulations. d. State Human Resource Investment Council Section 701 of the JTPA, as amended, authorizes the establishment of a State Human Resource Investment Council (HRIC) to advise the Governor on coordination of Federal human resource programs within the State. The HRIC may replace existing State councils dealing with Federal human resource programs. The option for the Governor to designate the HRIC to carry out the responsibilities of the SJTCC, in lieu of establishing a SJTCC, is authorized at Section 122(d)(1) of JTPA, as amended. (20 CFR 628.215) e. Services for Older Workers Section 202(c)(1)(D) of JTPA, as amended, specifies a 5 percent set-aside to support Services to Older Individuals. Plans for the use of-such funds for PY 93 shall be developed in accordance with Section 204(d) of JTPA, as amended, and 20 CFR 628.320. f. Linkages Section 205 of JTPA, as amended, requires SDA's to establish appropriate linkages with federally authorized programs including: the Adult Education Act; the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Wagner-Peyser Act; JOBS; the Food Stamp Act; the National Apprenticeship Act; the U.S. Housing Act; the National Literacy Act of 1991; Head Start; Title V of the Older Americans Act, and other provisions of JTPA. Additionally, SDA's are required to establish other appropriate linkages with other organizations and agencies, such as State and local educational agencies, local service agencies, public housing agencies, community organizations, business and labor groups, volunteer groups working with disadvantaged adults, and other training, education, employment, economic development and social service programs. ~Section 205 and 20 CFR 627.220) Nontraditional Employment for Women: The Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) Act requires SDAs toinclude goals in their PY 92 and 93 plans. Such goals have been included in most of the GCSSPs submitted by Governors for PY 92-93. While the Amendments do not specifically require changes to the NEW goals, the general changes in program design and targeting of services may result in changes to the NEW goals included in the GCSSP for PY 93. Furthermore, Governor's staffs may find that the goals initially set warrant refinement, given the relatively short period provided for the initial goal setting. Accordingly, Governors should consider refinement of their NEW goals in the development and submission of this modification. Format: Given the wide variety of approaches taken by the States in constructing the GCSSP and the Job Training Plan, the Department believes that it would be more expeditious if a common outline was followed. Therefore, we are Re guesting that these modifications adhere to the attached outlines. Submittal: Modifications to the PY 1992/1993 GCSSP's and the Statewide Service Delivery Area Job Training Plans must be submitted for receipt by the Administrator, Office of Job Training Programs, by May 15, 1993. Also, a copy should be sent to the appropriate ETA Regional Office. Burden Hours Estimates: The National Office estimates that the burden estimate of 40 hours includes time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.


ETA Regional Staff


Carolyn M. Golding Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor

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ATTACHMENT I: MODIFICATION TO GC8SP I. Identifying Information A. The name and address of the grantee. B. Date of submission of the modification and the number of the modification (I,II,III,etc). C. Time period covered. D. The specific changes to be made in the GCSSP and the reason(s) for the modification. (Describe the section of the plan where this information is included.) II. Program Information A. Goals and Objectives B. Coordination 1. Describe the measures taken by the State to ensure coordination and lack of duplication with the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) training program. (Section 121 (b)(2) and 20 CFR 628.205) III. Program Activities B. Projected Use of Resources 1. Describe the State system for the State and sub-State allocation of JTPA funds including the following: Title II-A, II-B, and II-C; education coordination and grants (8 percent); administrative, management, and auditing (5 percent); incentive grants, capacity building and technical assistance (5 percent) and services for older individuals (5 percent). (Section 121(b)(3)). 2. Describe the State's administrative system to assure oversight of the programs operated in the SDA's as well as those State-supported programs operated throughout the State. The discussion should include a description of the role of the SJTCC or HRIC in program operations and oversight. Specify the role of the SJTCC in oversight of Title II-A, II-B, II-C, 8 percent State Education Coordination and Grants, programs for older individuals, and incentive, capacity building and technical assistance programs. (Section 121(b)(3)). 3. Describe the State's administrative activities, and procurement and financial management policies, including auditing and oversight to be conducted using the funds allocated to the State for administrative, financial management and auditing activities. (Section 121(b)(3)). 4. Describe the training activities to be funded with Title II-A, II-B, and II-C funds. (Section 121(b)(3)). 5. Describe the types of training and participant support activities to be funded with services for older individuals funds. (Section 204(d) and 20 CFR 20 628.320) (a) Describe the State's procedures for accomplishing consultation with the PIC when providing services to older individuals. (Section 204(d) and 20 CFR 628.320) (b) Describe the State's policy for providing services to individuals with additional barriers to employment. List the SDA's and additional barriers approved by the Governor. (Section 204(d)(5)(B) and 20 CFR 628.320) 6. Describe the projected use of State Education Coordination and Grants (8 percent) funds. (Section 123(c)). (a) Identify the State education agency (ies) responsible for education and training that will be the recipient(s) of these funds.(Section 123 and 20 CFR 628.315) (b) Describe the projects to be funded. (Section 123(a)(2) and 20 CFR 628.315(c)(2)) (c) Describe the anticipated agreements and the agency (ies), administrative entities and SDA's with whom the agreements will be made. (Section 123 (b) and 20 CFR 628.315(b)) (d) Describe all of the information specified at Section 123(c). (Section 123 and 20 CFR 628.315) (e) Describe all the State match for the use of these funds. (Section 123(a) and 20 CFR 628.315(e)). 7. (a) Describe how the State has involved SDAs in planning the use of capacity building and technical assistance funds. (20 CFR 628.305). (b) Describe any requirements the State may have developed for the inclusion of a capacity building and technical assistance strategy as part of the planning guidance for the preparation of SDA local job training plans. (20 CFR 628.420). (c) Describe how capacity building investments will enhance staff capabilities at the State and local levels, including service providers. (d) Describe the use of resources that will provide technical assistance to SDAs failing to meet performance standards. (Section 121(b)(3)). (i) Specify the percentage of the "five percent" funds available under Section 202(c)(1)(B) that will be used for capacity building and technical assistance. (ii) Describe the formula, weighing schemes, and standards for measuring degree of performance to be used in distributing the balance of the funds for incentive grants to SDAs. (20 CFR 629.325). 8. If the State plans to participate in the incentive bonus program under Title V (Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals (JEDI)), describe how the State will encourage successful implementation of: (a) training activities of eligible individuals whose placement is the basis for the payment to the State of the incentive bonus; and (b) the training services, outreach activities, and pre-employment supportive services provided furnished to these individuals. (Title V of JTPA) IV. Signature The modification shall contain the Governor's signature or the signature and title of his/her designee. The name of the signer shall be typed below the signature. V. Plan Submission States shall submit three copies of any necessary modifications, each with an original signature of the Governor or of a designee to: Dolores Battle Administrator Office of Job Training Programs Department of Labor/Employment & Training Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room N4459 Washington, D.C. 20210 Also, a copy of the modification must be sent to the appropriate ETA Regional Office. ATTACHMENT II: MODIFICATION TO STATEWIDE SERVICE DELIVERY AREA JOB TRAINING PLAN The Job Training Plan Modification shall contain: I. Identifying Information (A) Identification and address of grant recipient. (B) Identification and address of entity or entities which will administer the program (see Section 104(b)(1) of JTPA, if different from the grant recipient). (C) Date of submission. (D) Area covered by SDA (i.e., Entire State of -------------) (E) Time period covered by the Plan. II. Program Information (A) Specific descriptions of each of the required elements found in Section 104(b)(3) through 104(b)(13) of the Act. (20 CFR 628.420(B)(9)) (B) A statement assuring that the State will publish its plan and make it available for review and comment, as specified in Section 105(a) of the Act. (C) A statement assuring that the State will comply with the cost limitations contained in Section 108 of the Act. (20 CFR 627.445). III. Signature An original signature of the Governor or authorized designee shall be affixed to each of the-three copies of the Statewide Plan submitted. The name of the signer (and the signer's title, if a designee) shall be typed below the signature.

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Reinstatement of Sections 202(a)(3) and (4), Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act (FSEUCA) of 1970


To remind State Employment Security Agencies that the eligibility requirement of Sections 202(a)(3) and (4), FSEUCA, apply to all extended benefit (EB) and Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) weeks claimed beginning on and after January 1, 1995.


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1993 National Monitor Advocate Training Conference


To invite State Monitor Advocates and other appropriate State agency staff to participate in a National Monitor Advocate Training.


Direct questions to your Regional Monitor Advocate or MAFO representatives at (414) 482-7200.

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Reference: 20 CFR 653.108 (e), 20 CFR 658.602 (c) and 20 CFR 658.603 (f)(12). Background: The National Monitor Advocate Training Conference is held annually in conjunction with other migrant and seasonal farmworker (MSFW) national activities. Training is provided specifically on the Monitor Advocate program and corresponding regulations, allowing opportunity for the National, Regional, and State Monitor Advocates to jointly participate in the discussion and resolution of operational concerns of the Employment Service (ES) Monitor Advocate Program. The 1993 training is scheduled for February 23-26, 1993. This year's Training Conference will be held in conjunction with the Midwest Association of Farmworker Organizations' (MAFO) national conference entitled "Future Partnerships Evolving from Common Ground." Participants in this conference will include JTPA 402 grantees, other MSFW service providers, and Monitor Advocates. Also, the participation of the Monitor Advocates has been expanded from previous years. Aside from the training, the Monitor Advocate Program will also facilitate events on the MAFO conference agenda. First is a plenary session through which an overview of the Monitor Advocate Program will be presented, the second will be a workshop on the topic of the ES Complaint System. Both will be facilitated in full by Regional and State Monitor Advocates. Annual Monitor Advocate Training: Aside from the technical assistance training, a major objective of the Monitor Advocates is the development of a paper which could more clearly define the role of advocacy in the Monitor Advocate Program. Upon completion, this paper will be presented to the National Office for review and comment. Mr. David Webb, Region IX's Monitor Advocate has taken the lead on developing this paper. In order to make a contribution to the preparation of this paper, we request that Regional and State Monitor Advocates respond to the following questions: 1) State Monitor Advocate's definition of advocacy; 2) What is the State Monitor Advocate doing in terms of advocacy; 3) What some of the issues are that should be addressed in terms of advocacy; 4) Who else within your State advocates on behalf of MSFWs and what are they doing; 5) According to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers within your State, what should the State Monitor Advocates be advocating. The State Monitor Advocates are requested to submit their responses to these issues to the following address: Mr. David L. Webb ETA Region IX Monitor Advocate P.O. Box 193767 San Francisco, California 94119-3767 Participation: It is important that all State Monitor Advocates participate in the conference. Accommodations: The conference will be held at the Kona Kai Resort, 1551 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, California 92106. Participants should contact the hotel directly at (800) 325-2218 or (619) 221-1191 to ensure the availability of the pre-arranged room rate of $65 plus tax per day for single or double room. The conference will begin at 8:30 a.m., February 23, 1993 and end at noon on February 26, 1993. Conference registration fee is $125.00; please send directly to MAFO, P.O. Box 06129, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204. Early registration is highly recommended. Action Required: SESA Administrators are requested to encourage attendance of State Monitor Advocates. State and local Agricultural Program Specialists and Outreach Staff are also encouraged to attend.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Barbara Ann Farmer Administrator for Regional Management

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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Revised List of Annual Salary Rates for General Schedule (GS) Employees


To provide State Employment Security Agencies (SESA) with information on new salary rates for Federal Civilian employees to assist SESA personnel in completing UCFE Form ES-935, Claimant Statement of Federal Civilian Service.


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References: Chapter V, Section 5, and Chapter XI, Section 1, ET Handbook No. 391. Background: Recently, the Office of Personnel Management issued official 1995 pay tables (copies of Tables A and B attached) authorized by the President reflecting new pay raises for GS employees. Table A shows the new salaries for GS employees incorporating a 2.00% increase effective January 1995. Table B shows the new salaries for GS employees incorporating the 2.00% increase and a locality payment of 5.48% for the locality pay area of Washington- Baltimore, DC-MD-VA-WV (Net Increase 3.22%) effective January 1995. The locality rates of pay are considered basic pay for retirement, life insurance, premium pay, and severance pay purposes and for advances in pay. They are also used to compute worker's compensation payments and lump-sum payments for accrued and accumulated annual leave. They are NOT considered basic pay for other pay administration purposes. All eligible white-collar workers automatically get the 2% national pay raise. But many civil servants who already are paid higher rates because they are in hard-to-fill jobs (such as Grade 2 through 7 clerical workers, scientists and engineers) will not get the 1.22% raise. A few will get part of the locality adjustment. Postal workers and DC government employees do not get either the national or locality raise. Federal and military retirees, whose pensions are linked to inflation, will get a 2.8% cost-of-living adjustment. That adjustment will show up in their April annuity checks. Instructions: SESAs should provide copies of the attached GS Tables to appropriate staff members engaged in UCFE claims activities. Action Required: SESAs should follow the above instructions and provide the attached revised Federal Pay Tables to appropriate staff.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Mary Ann Wyrsch Director Unemployment Insurance Service

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To obtain a copy of attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the Office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585. GS Pay Salary Tables and GS pay adjustments for 1995.

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