American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) Evaluation

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Release Date: October 15, 2022

American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) Evaluation

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About the Study

In 2016, the Employment and Training Administration, in partnership with the Chief Evaluation Office, awarded a contract to Abt Associates, with the Urban Institute, MEF Associates, W.E. Upjohn Institute, Capital Research Corporation, George Washington University, and McBassi & Company to evaluate the American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) training programs across all 46 grantees, mostly community colleges. 

The AAI programs seek to: 

  • Increase apprentices’ access to high-growth occupations and industries
  • Create career pathways that encompass apprenticeship and align with post-secondary educational opportunities
  • Use strategies that increase apprenticeship opportunities for underrepresented populations
  • Implement new and innovative public polices or public-private partnerships that increase demand for apprenticeship
  • Encourage employers to adopt and offer apprenticeship opportunities

This Department of Labor-funded study contributes to the labor evidence-base to inform programs and policies that impact community colleges, apprenticeships, and employment and training. The project also addresses Departmental strategic goals and priorities.

  • What benefits accrue to employers of apprenticeship?
  • On the supply side, how do AAI grantees generate apprenticeship slots?
  • On the demand side, how do AAI grantees and employers identify strong candidates for apprenticeship?
  • What are the key features of an AAI apprenticeship?
  • What are the employment outcomes for apprentices?
  • What innovations and lessons form the basis for broader change and sustainability that encourages employers to adopt apprenticeships?

Program Duration: 88 Months

Contract End Date: November 2022

Contractor: Abt Associates, with the Urban Institute, MEF Associates, W.E. Upjohn Institute, Capital Research Corporation, George Washington University, McBassi & Company

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