Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)

Table of Contents

Fiscal Year 2009



OWCP Circular No. 09-01

Decrease in POV Mileage Rate

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Fiscal Year 2008



OWCP Circular No. 08-02

Increase in POV Mileage Rate

OWCP Circular No. 08-01

Increase in POV Mileage Rate

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Fiscal Year 2007



OWCP Circular No. 07-01

Increase in Reimbursement Rates for Travel

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Fiscal Year 2002



OWCP Circular No. 02-01

Reimbursement Rates for Travel

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Fiscal Year 2000



OWCP Circular No. 00-01

Reimbursement Rates for Travel

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Fiscal Year 1999



OWCP Circular No. 99-01

Reimbursement Rates for Travel Effective April 1, 1999

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Fiscal Year 1998



OWCP Circular No. 98-01

Reimbursement Rates for Travel

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Fiscal Year 1997



OWCP Circular No. 97-01

Reporting Estimated Savings to the Office of Inspector General

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SUBJECT: Decrease in POV Mileage Rate

Effective January 1, 2009, the General Services Administration decreased the mileage reimbursement rates for Federal employees traveling on official duty from 58.5 to 55.0 cents per mile.

Effective immediately all injured employees, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and field nurses should be advised of the new mileage rates in effect and the date of applicability. The applicability date is for travel that is performed on or after January 1, 2009.

Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 09-01

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SUBJECT: Increase in POV Mileage Rate

Effective July 28, 2008, the General Services Administration increased the mileage reimbursement rates for Federal employees traveling on official duty from 50.5 to 58.5 cents per mile.

Effective immediately all injured employees, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and field nurses should be advised of the new mileage rates in effect and the date of applicability. The applicability date is for travel that is performed on or after August 1, 2008.

Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 08-02

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SUBJECT: Increase in POV Mileage Rate

Effective March 19, 2008, the General Services Administration increased the mileage reimbursement rates for Federal employees traveling on official duty to 50.5 cents per mile.

Effective immediately all injured employees, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and field nurses should be advised of the new mileage rates in effect and the date of applicability. Travel claims paid using the old rate (48.5 cents per mile) may be resubmitted for adjustment to reflect the correct rate for the portion of the travel that occurred on or after March 19, 2008.

Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 08-01

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SUBJECT: Increase in Reimbursement Rates for Travel

Effective February 1, 2007, the General Services Administration will increase the mileage reimbursement rates for Federal employees traveling on official duty to 48.5 cents per mile.

Effective immediately all injured employees, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and field nurses should be advised of the new mileage rates in effect and the date of applicability. Travel claims paid using the old rate (44.5 cents per mile) may be resubmitted for adjustment to reflect the correct rate for the portion of the travel that occurred on or after February 1, 2007.

Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 07-01

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SUBJECT: Reimbursement Rates for Travel

Effective January 21, 2002, the mileage rate for reimbursement to Federal employees traveling on official duty by privately-owned automobiles was increased to 36.5 cents per mile by the General Services Administration. As in the past, this rate has been made to apply to injured employees involved in approved rehabilitation activities (under the maintenance allowance and prior-authorized travel to and from a residential facility), rehabilitation counselors under the OWCP-35 and specific authorization by the Rehabilitation Specialist under the OWCP-16 and OWCP-24, and contract field nurses under the supervision and management of the Staff Registered Nurses.

Effective immediately all injured employees, counselors, and field nurses should be advised of the new rates in effect and the date of applicability.

The rates are to be released in the Federal Register.

Cecily Rayburn
Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 02-01

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SUBJECT: Reimbursement Rates for Travel

Effective January 14, 2000 the mileage rate for reimbursement to federal employees traveling on official duty by privately-owned automobiles is increased to 32.5 cents per mile by the General Services Administration. The rates for travel by motorcycle and airplane are not affected. As in the past, these rates have been made to apply to injured workers (IWs) involved in approved rehabilitation activities (under the maintenance allowance and prior-authorized travel to and from a residential facility), rehabilitation counselors (RCs) under the OWCP-35 and specific authorization by the rehabilitation specialist (RS) under the OWCP-16 and OWCP-24, and contract field nurses (FNs) under the supervision and management of the staff registered nurses (SRNs).

Effective immediately all IWs, RCs, and FNs should be advised of the new rates in effect and date of applicability. Appropriate measures should be undertaken to allow for adjustment of the mileage requests from IWs, who traveled to and/or from residential facilities under RS approval and RCs and FNs during the course of their usual work when requested in writing if undertaken before they could be notified of this change.

The rates were posted in the Federal Register Amendment 88, January 7, 2000.

Cecily A. Rayburn
Acting Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 00-01

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SUBJECT: Reimbursement Rates for Travel Effective April 1, 1999

Effective April 1, 1999 the rate for reimbursement to Federal employees traveling on official duty using privately-owned automobiles was decreased to 31 cents per mile by the General Services Administration. The rates for travel by motorcycle and airplane are not affected. As in the past, this rate has been made to apply to injured employees involved in approved rehabilitation activities (under the maintenance allowance and prior-authorized travel to and from a residential facility), and rehabilitation counselors and field nurses who are authorized to travel to provide services to injured workers.

Effective immediately all injured employees, counselors, and field nurses should be advised of the new rates in effect and date of applicability. Vouchers being processed for travel periods after April 1, 1999 may be adjusted to reflect this increase.

Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 99-01

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Subject: Reimbursement Rates for Travel

Background: Effective September 8, 1998 the mileage rate for reimbursement to federal employees traveling on official duty by privately-owned automobiles was changed to 32.5 cents per mile by the General Services Administration. The rate for travel by motorcycle is 26 cents per mile. As in the past, these rates are applied to injured workers (IWs) involved in approved rehabilitation activities (under the maintenance allowance and prior-authorized travel to and from a residential facility), rehabilitation counselors (RCs) under Form OWCP-35 and specific authorization by the rehabilitation specialist (RS) using Forms OWCP-16 and OWCP-24, and Contract Field Nurses (FNs) under the direction of the Staff Nurses (SNs).

Effective immediately all IWs, RCs and FNs should be advised of the new rates in effect and date of applicability. Appropriate measures should be undertaken to allow for adjustment of the mileage requests from IWs who traveled to and from residential facilities under RS approval and RCs and FNs during the course of their usual work, since September 8.

The rates were published in the September 8, 1998 Federal Register page 47438, No. 173.

Diane Svenonius
Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

Back to Top of OWCP Circular No. 98-01

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Subject: Reporting Estimated Savings to the Office of Inspector General.

We have agreed to provide estimates to the Office of Inspector General which will be used to represent the probable savings resulting from their cases which lead to terminations and adjustments of benefits.

A statistical study done in the Division of Planning Policy and Standards will be used to project the estimated time an injured worker would remain on the rolls based on the worker's date of birth, period in receipt of compensation, nature of injury, and other basic information. Because of certain limitations of this study, the estimate will be based on either the expected duration of the case on the periodic roll or the projected life expectancy based on an actuarial table, and will not be projected longer than ten years.

The attached form will be used to obtain the data. The investigator should complete the Claimant Information portion of the form and give it to the district office. The form should be forwarded to: Diane Svenonius, Director, Division of Planning, Policy and Standards, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Room S-3524, Washington, D.C. 20210. The response will be returned to the Regional Inspector General through your office.

Director, Division of
Planning, Policy and Standards

In accordance with a procedure recently approved by the national Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP), it is requested that you provide this office with the projected savings to be realized after an Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigation resulted in the conviction of the individual listed below for violations of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) or related statutes. It is understood that the savings realized will be based on an OWCP automated data base program developed from historical information concerning FECA claimants on the periodic rolls during the 10-year period from 1981-1991.

Claimant's Name:

Claimant's Date of Birth:


Date of Injury:

Period in Receipt of Compensation (Years, Months):

Accepted Condition (Use OWCP NOI Code):

Date of Termination:

Current Monthly Compensation Payment:

The projected savings reported, calculated for a maximum of ten years, or a lesser amount based on statistical data showing an expected duration in compensation status of less than ten years, will be utilized by OIG to more accurately portray the impact of our investigative efforts when a claimant is removed from the FECA rolls and more realistically report cost efficiencies claims as a result of these investigations.

In order that we may timely enter the projected savings in our case management information system, it would be appreciated if you could notify this office of the projected savings within 30 days of receipt of this request. Should you have questions or need additional information please contact me at _______________.

Your cooperation and assistance in this matter is appreciated.

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