Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation (DLHWC)

Longshore DBA Page

Welcome to the Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation (DLHWC) Defense Base Act (DBA) page. The Defense Base Act provides workers' compensation protection to civilian employees working outside the United States on U.S. military bases or under a contract with the U.S. government for public works or for national defense. This page contains general information regarding the Defense Base Act that may be of interest to government contracting officials, U.S. government contractors, insurance professionals, covered employees and their families, and others in the workers' compensation claims community.

What's New


Insurance Information

DBA Waivers

  • Industry Notice No. 187 – Defense Base Act (DBA) Waivers - New!
  • Active and Archived Waivers Lists – by expiration date - New!
  • DBA Waiver Request Package: Please provide the following
    • Request for Waiver - Defense Base Act, Form BEC 565 - Print the form that is required to request a Waiver from the Department of Labor. But be sure you have read the "Insurance and Waiver" presentation first!  The form must be signed by the head of an agency or department of the United States, or if the employer is the USO or another American employer providing welfare services for the benefit of the Armed Forces with DOD’s authorization, that employer.
    • DBA Waiver Comparison Chart - Fill in the information from the country (or contract) for which a waiver is requested, for each DBA element listed. List the local provision that speaks to each element.
    • English translations of the local workers’ compensation provisions or other relevant law or policy.
    • Website addresses if the information is obtained via the internet.
    • Any other relevant information (such as a memo or letter explaining any differences between the DBA requirements and local workers’ compensation law)
  • Procedure Manual Section 07-0600: DBA Waivers

Benefits and Claims

Law Reference Materials

War Hazards Compensation Act Resources